Found 48 software entries
from category: Development Tools
BeOS Preview Release 230105
This is the first BeOS Preview Release 230105 from 1997. Please note that it requires real compatible hardware to run.
691-3744-A,,Mac OS X Developers Tools. 2002-July. Requires Mac OS X v10.2 or later 2002 (CD)
MacsBug 6.2.2 for 68000 family
MacsBugs 6.2.2 for 68000 family from 1991. Tool for debug and revese engineer software.
ATI and nVidia Video Card ROM Files
This is a compilation the collection of ROMs used to flash various PC GPUs for use in PPC and Intel Macs which is found at . The website has not been updated for 12 years, therefore it's...
Radius SE Accelerator 2.1 ROMs
All Macintosh ROMs (68K + PPC)
This is an archive containing all of the most popular Macintosh models ROM files for emulation purposes, ranging from the first 64K ROM from the Macintosh 128K to the 4 MB ROM files from the Bandai Pippin or PowerMac G3, listed below in ROM size,...
Kaboom! 3.0
Wild and wacky sounds for your personal computer. Kaboom! adds sounds to various actions on your Macintosh, such as emptying the trash, ejecting a disk, or chiming at the top and bottom of the hour. Kaboom! Factory allows you to create and...
AltiVec Emulator
Apple Developer Connection CD's (1991)
Apple Developer Connection CD's, Starting in 1991 Volume I: Phil and Dave's Excellent CD Volume II: Phil and Dave's Excellent CD (Release Version) Volume III: A Disc Called Wanda Volume IV: Discy Business Volume V: Night of the...
The Reaper
The Reaper lets you manage and resize applications memory heap.
System Disk Utilities
Developer alternative to startup disk control panel, including options to control Open Firmware. See:
MiniScreen 2.0
A big, fat monitor is great, but if you design applications or presentations for Macintoshes with smaller displays, development and testing can be inconvenient and problematic. With MiniScreen you can change your desktop to any smaller size...
MacTech Vol 1-12 & 1-17
The MacTutor / MacTech CD offered in the '90s which includes all the articles, code fragments and tools from the magazine. Almost exclusively 68K, there might be some PPC as well. Vol 1-17 containing stuff through april 2001 offers of course...
Mac OS X Snow Leopard (Universal) - 10.6 Developer Preview Seeds
Mac OS X Snow Leopard Developer Preview Seeds were released between June 2008 and early 2009. In March 2020, with only minor modifications, builds 10A096 and 10A190 were found to install successfully on certain PowerPC...
691-5144-B,,Mac OS X Xcode Tools. Install Disc v1.5 (CD)
Macintosh Drag and Drop
Allows applications to utilize drag-and-drop for improved UX. Included in System 7.5 and beyond, these files let you utilize the feature on earlier versions of System 7.
Appearance Manager 1.0.3 (for Mac OS 7.x)
If you are using MacOS 8.0 or later, you already have the Appearance Manager so this file is not useful to you, but for those of you using MacOS 7.1 - 7.6.1, after installing this, your Macintosh will have the MacOS 8 Platinum Appearance. This will...
Appearance SDK 1.0.4
Apperance Manager 1.0.4
AOCE: the beta release

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