Found 293 software entries
from category: Utilities
Classic Sounds
Classic Sounds will bring back the classic alert sound panel of Mac OS 9 to your new MacOS X! It contains all those classic sounds like Quack and Wild Eep. It also can install the classic sounds in your macosx alert soundbank. Not only that, but...
Sleeper 3.x
Sleeper is a control panel for desktop Macs that dims the screen and spins down SCSI disk drives after periods of inactivity. Separate "sleep" times can be set for the two features. Setting up via the control panel is...
QuickTime 6.x for OS X 10.1 Puma
This is an archive containing QuickTime 6.1.1, 6.2, 6.3 and 6.3.1 for Mac OS X 10.1.5 Puma only.
init cdev
TL;DR: Provides extension disabling on boot in System 6 or prior by holding the mouse down or Space just like Shift does in System 7, but with popup options. "init cdev" operates in two ways: as an INIT, and as a cdev...
VirtualDisk™ will allow you to find and access ANY file you own, whether it is currently on your hard disk, on any of your floppy disks, cartridges, CDs, or remote on a networked volume for which you have access. ...
ABNT2 Brazilian Portuguese Keyboard Layout ( OS X )
Brazilian ABNT2 Standard Keyboard Layout installer for Mac OS X
AutoMac III
Automatic Macro Maker AutoMac III is a macro application (extension) for the Apple Macintosh. It enables you to "record" and "play back" your keystrokes, clicks, and mouse movements to make using other Macintosh applications...
BootX (Linux)
Allows Old-world computers to boot into Linux using Mac OS.
Connectix RAM Doubler 8
Time was when Connectix’s RAM Doubler seemed like an ingenious piece of software engineering that magically doubled, and later tripled, your Mac’s available memory. However, as the virtual memory built into the Mac OS gets better, and...
Kilometre (aka Kilometre Browser)
Kilometre Browser shows the files stored in your Macintosh disks with up to 255 characters. Additionaly it can: Rename a file with up to 255 characters. Edit the Finder comments. Change file visibility, lock and stationery attributes,...
Norton DiskDoubler Pro 1.1
The Norton DiskDoubler Pro package is a new name for a collection of utilities that was formerly sold under the name SuperDoubler. DiskDoubler Pro includes DiskDoubler (DD), a utility that compresses files, thus freeing disk space; AutoDoubler (AD),...
Polonizator Mac OS 9 (3.x)
Polinizator translates all the menu items, system windows and general Mac OS 9.1.x or 9.2.x interface text to Polish and also installs the Central European fonts.
Utilitaire de réinitialisation iPod 1.0.3 pour Mac [Universal langages]
Utilisez l’Utilitaire de réinitialisation iPod pour rétablir les réglages d’origine sur les modèles d’iPod suivants, dans les cas où iTunes n’y parvient pas : • iPod shuffle (de...
FWB Partition Toolkit
691-4769-A,,AppleCare Apple Service Diagnostic. v2.1.5. 2003-Dec. Supports all systems from 2003-Jan to 2003-Sep 2003 (CD)
DiskPrint 1.0
Snapz Pro 2.x
Have you ever wondered how editors and graphic designers capture hard-to-get screenshots? Of course, you can use the Mac OS’s built-in screen capture, but its functionality is limited to desktop screens and a basic Selection tool. Most Mac...
A-Dock is an application switcher palette that helps you get prepared for Mac OS X's dock... When A-Dock is running, it shows a floating palette at the bottom of your screen (its default location). The palette lists which applications are...
ACTION GoMac 2.1.1
GoMac places a taskbar at the bottom of your screen, letting you navigate between active applications and launch other applications. It closely imitates the look of the Windows95 taskbar and adds a couple of other features such as a sticky menus...
GoMac 2.0.2
Action GoMac is a utility that gives your mac the function of a Windows taskbar, quick launch, and start menu. Please note that it is not completely realistic in that it does not totally make your computer look like Windows, but if you don't...
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