Found 7 software entries in System beginning with: "M" from category: Development Tools

MiniScreen 2.0

MiniScreen 2.0 (1995)
(Modified on 2024-12-09 16:25:23)

A big, fat monitor is great, but if you design applications or presentations for Macintoshes with smaller displays, development and testing can be inconvenient and problematic.  With MiniScreen you can change your desktop to any smaller size...

MacTech Vol 1-12 & 1-17

MacTech Vol 1-12 & 1-17 (1996)
(Modified on 2024-12-07 14:46:28)

The MacTutor / MacTech CD offered in the '90s which includes all the articles, code fragments and tools from the magazine. Almost exclusively 68K, there might be some PPC as well. Vol 1-17 containing stuff through april 2001 offers of course...

Macintosh Technology Seed Feb '96

Macintosh Technology Seed Feb '96 (1996)
(Modified on 2023-05-24 17:21:30)

We are pleased to include an additional seed project on this CD, called the Apple Enhanced CD Toolkit. This software works in conjunction with Toast CD Mastering software to create a 'blue book' disc. Other 1996 technology seed CD's...

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