Found 22 software entries
from category: Firmware
iMac Firmware Update 1.2
This is for tray-loading iMacs. The iMac Firmware Update 1.2 should be installed on all iMac computers used in NetBoot client environments. Features delivered with this update include improved support of NetBooting and minor improvements to Open...
PowerMac G4 MDD ("Wind Tunnel") Firmware Update
Blank Board Serializer
Blank Board Serializer (BBS) is an Apple tool to set the System Serial Number (SSN) on a BLANK Mac Logic Board. It is typically used by Apple and it's Service Partners. Blank means that the SSN has never been set (such as on a new Logic...
Firmware Restoration CD 1.6
Apple has released a Firmware Restoration CD and this version is 1.6. This Firmware Restoration CD includes a number of updates for several Mac’s. The Mac’s affected by this version of the Firmware Restoration CD 1.6...
Canon PowerShot S50 Firmware Updater
Firmware restoration CD 1.3
Found on an old PowerBook G4 I bought, i have the 1.4 version of this same thing uploaded as well, again i think its for intel based mac minis, imacs etc from around 2007
Firmware restoration CD 1.4
Found this on an old PowerBook G4 i bought, i think its intended for Mac minis, iMacs and such circa 2007, i also have one .dmg file named similarly but 1.3 instead of 1.4 uploading after this
Sonnet Tango/Tempo Firmware Update (Version 1.2)
GigaDesigns 7447A firmware
Giga Designs Firmware upgrade for Dual G4 7447A and others.
Wiebe Technologies SATA Firmware
Power Mac G3 (Blue & White) Firmware Updates
Here are 5 system updates and firmware updates for your Power Mac G3 (both the tower and B&W models) that are essential if you plan on upgrading it to Mac OS X. All of these were in the Apple Support Area FTP around the year 2002 and are...
MacBook Pro (Early 2006) Modified EFI ROM
This update will allow your Mac to gain a prototype boot loader that was used on 2005 prototype EFI Macs. I found this boot menu left in the original iMac4,1 firmware and successfully ported it to the first generation MacBook Pro. Use a USB...
Firmware Restoration CD 1.7
This is a Intel Mac EFI Firmware Restoration CD version 1.7. It works with the following Macs for EFI recovery: iMac4,1, iMac4,2, iMac5,1, iMac5,2, iMac6,1, MacBook1,1, MacBookPro1,1, MacBookPro1,2, MacBookPro3,1, MacMini1,1 and...
PowerBook G4 Firmware Update 4.2.9 (Titanium 550MHz-667MHz)
iBook Firmware Update 4.1.7
Final firmware update for the iBook G3 Clamshell.
PowerBook Firmware Update 4.1.8
Updates firmware for better FireWire performance in target disk mode. The 4.1.8 firmware also adds a new check to confirm that the installed RAM is compatible, so it may or may not consider some or all of your RAM unusable if the RAM does not...
Sonnet Tango/Tempo Firmware Update (Version 1.3)
PowerMac G4 Firmware Update 4.2.8
The Power Mac G4 Firmware Update 4.2.8 will run only on Power Mac G4 and Macintosh Server G4 models with AGP graphics running Mac OS 9.1 or later from a local hard disk. If you are using Mac OS X on your Power Mac G4 or Macintosh Server G4, you must...
PowerLogix G4 Firmware Updater 1.1
iMac G3 Firmware Update 4.1.9
The iMac Firmware Update 4.1.9 will only run on iMac G3 computers with slot-loading CD or DVD drives running Mac OS 9.1 or 9.2 from a local drive. If you are using Mac OS X you must boot from a local Mac OS 9.1 or 9.2 writeable partition (not a CD,...
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