Found 15 software entries
beginning with: "A"
from category: Development Tools
ATI and nVidia Video Card ROM Files
This is a compilation the collection of ROMs used to flash various PC GPUs for use in PPC and Intel Macs which is found at . The website has not been updated for 12 years, therefore it's...
All Macintosh ROMs (68K + PPC)
This is an archive containing all of the most popular Macintosh models ROM files for emulation purposes, ranging from the first 64K ROM from the Macintosh 128K to the 4 MB ROM files from the Bandai Pippin or PowerMac G3, listed below in ROM size,...
AltiVec Emulator
Apple Developer Connection CD's (1991)
Apple Developer Connection CD's, Starting in 1991 Volume I: Phil and Dave's Excellent CD Volume II: Phil and Dave's Excellent CD (Release Version) Volume III: A Disc Called Wanda Volume IV: Discy Business Volume V: Night of the...
Appearance Manager 1.0.3 (for Mac OS 7.x)
If you are using MacOS 8.0 or later, you already have the Appearance Manager so this file is not useful to you, but for those of you using MacOS 7.1 - 7.6.1, after installing this, your Macintosh will have the MacOS 8 Platinum Appearance. This will...
Appearance SDK 1.0.4
Apperance Manager 1.0.4
AOCE: the beta release
Apple Developer CD Series, Volumes I & II (1989)
Apple Technology Seed 1999
Apple E.T.O. Essentials - Tools - Objects (1991)
Apple Developer Connection Software Seed CD-ROM (November 2000)
Apple Developer Connection Software Seed CD-ROM (December 2000)
Apple Developer Connection Software Seed CD-ROM (April 2001)
This is the Apple's monthly beta seed CD-ROM by Apple Developer Connection. It was used to test the pre-release versions of Apple products for the developers. April 2001 edition of ADC Seed CD contains these items: Apple System Profiler...
Apple Technology Seed 1997
Apple Open Collaboration Environment (AOCE)
Apple Open Collaboration Environment (or simply "AOCE") was Apple's initiative to develop a network environment for end user consumers, notably PowerTalk, PowerShare and Open Directory. It was a complex project which overwhelmed...
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