Found 12 software entries
from category: Music & Sound
MacinTalk is Apple's text-to-speech, or speech synthesizer, extension that allows Mac documents to "talk" their text using a range of computerized voices. MacinTalk (v1.0.2) was relased on April 15, 1985 and works on Mac OS 1.x to...
Open Music System 2.3.8 (OMS)
Back in the day it was the most used MIDI configuration application. It´s the bridge between your MIDI hardware and your Mac. Many MIDI applications need OMS to work. "The Open Music System (OMS) is a collection of...
WMA audio codec for Mac OS 9
WMA Audio codec extension which allows QuickTime Player to play WMA files.
AC-3 Codec for Mac OS 9
Pioneer CD Vision 3.5J
Open Music System 2.3.3J (Japanese)
QDesign Music Codec 2.1
The Professional Edition of the QDesign Music Codec 2, for QuickTime 4, represents a breakthrough in audio technology for new media. It enables audio files to be compressed to levels beyond 100:1 while maintaining good quality sound. A one-minute,...
Apple MIDI Manager 2.0.2
Apple MIDI Manager allowed software to communicate to MIDI devices and instruments through a MIDI interface, which could be a simple box to provide a single input/output, or it could be a patchbay, providing numerous intputs/outputs. Opcode's...
iPod + iTunes CD
2006 iPod + iTunes CD version 2Z691-5715-A in Spanish. ISO file
Apple PowerCD Driver/Player
This is the driver software for the Apple PowerCD, an external SCSI CD-ROM drive. It provides A/V output to connect it to a VCR, TV, RF remodulator, or stereo speakers or headphones, and can access data on CD-ROM, Photo and Portfolio CD, and...
CharisMac CD-ROM Utility
QDesign Music Codec 2
The Professional Edition of the QDesign Music Codec 2, for QuickTime 4, represents a breakthrough in audio technology for new media. It enables audio files to be compressed to levels beyond 100:1 while maintaining good quality sound. A one-minute,...
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