ATI and nVidia Video Card ROM Files

Author: Various
Type: System
Category: Development Tools
Shared by: Taranabas
On: 2020-02-23 12:31:12
Updated by: that-ben
On: 2022-07-14 08:48:54
Other contributors: NCC
Rating: 10.00 Clarus out of 10 (1 vote)
Rate it: 12345678910


What is ATI and nVidia Video Card ROM Files?

This is a compilation the collection of ROMs used to flash various PC GPUs for use in PPC and Intel Macs which is found at . The website has not been updated for 12 years, therefore it's being stored here in the repository before it is lost.

Most of the useful pages have been saved as PDF for reference here, but I suggest referring to the website itself as it remains available, or the wayback machine if it is not.

Refer to the Wikidownloads 2 PDF to determine which file you need for your particular Video Card. The 'Technical Docs and Info' contains some PDFs of various pages from the website as well.

I apologize for everything being in .zip format but that is how the ROMs come on the website, and I didn't think having a mix of compression formats would be very nice.

Download ATI and nVidia Video Card ROM Files for Mac

(182.26 KiB / 186.63 KB)
113 / 2020-02-23 / 221115c2d2ced54dd0d6cc51e34bfd566d0d50f1 / /
(3.96 MiB / 4.15 MB)
/ Zipped
48 / 2020-02-23 / 3aea6ef0b836cd89986bd804c7a547953595196a / /
(1.72 MiB / 1.8 MB)
/ Zipped
70 / 2020-02-23 / 2020-02-23 / fff01bb42a3125df188e2df085eed879de3b4f95 / /
(820.03 KiB / 839.72 KB)
/ Zipped
43 / 2020-02-23 / 2020-02-23 / 41b1bd169315da5813c592f9e69285399849040f / /
(305.01 KiB / 312.33 KB)
/ Zipped
35 / 2020-02-23 / 2020-02-23 / 7b4e93643cc6557a53e46e02ed377a3ec84db012 / /
(505.93 KiB / 518.07 KB)
/ Zipped
43 / 2020-02-23 / 2020-02-23 / 69f8d660c405e387225f68db7d72e255f378ead7 / /
(806.04 KiB / 825.38 KB)
/ Zipped
42 / 2020-02-23 / 2020-02-23 / 4a018cddd2277e308f189614610c7970dabdb0c6 / /
(606.96 KiB / 621.52 KB)
/ Zipped
43 / 2020-02-23 / 2020-02-23 / 61bb330877878feb230d664d4efaca5109de702b / /
(674.32 KiB / 690.51 KB)
/ Zipped
57 / 2020-02-23 / 2020-02-23 / a8b85969a36421d227dcd474f18bd6621680e647 / /
(1.33 MiB / 1.4 MB)
/ Zipped
72 / 2020-02-23 / 2020-02-23 / 92efe7089317ab1a0ff40a6906e822d420aa2890 / /
(466.28 KiB / 477.47 KB)
/ Zipped
97 / 2020-02-23 / 2020-02-23 / d1b6d4be96b3f4dd1dd77e523e5617c5cba4d8f4 / /
(1.78 MiB / 1.87 MB)
ch341a flash utility / RAR archive
28 / 2022-05-03 / 100644ef451fd787cbd6229638050b18f915b9ce / /


OSX Universal Binary

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