Found 7 software entries
from category: Emulators
Blue Box for Rhapsody
Blue Box is the emulation layer for early releases of Mac OS X Server (1.0 to 1.2v3, named "Rhapsody", which is a hybrid of OPENSTEP from NeXT Computer and Mac OS 8.5.1) that allowed for legacy classic Mac OS applications to run under Mac...
Apple IIe Card 2.2.1
This is not a typical software emulator, but rather a software interface to a hardware card, the Apple //e emulator card for Macintosh II computers. If you have this card, which is essentially a complete Apple //e on a card, this program is gold. If...
Macintosh "Twiggy" Prototype Files
A while ago, a rare prototype "Twiggy" Macintosh surfaced. Instead of the more familiar Sony 3.5" floppy disk drive, this machine used Apple's custom "Twiggy" 5.25-inch floppy disk drive as seen on the Apple...
Orange PC
AltiVec Emulator
Mini vMac Boot Disks
2 Mini vMac operating system boot disk compilations. The original site hosting them seems to have gone down. These boot images have been uploaded here for posterity as some emulators (such as Recalbox) require MD5-specific disk images.
Mac OS X 10.0.3 Cheetah Install CD
The installation CD for Mac OS X 10.0.3 Cheetah! Use it on emulators, burn it to a disk, make a USB installer, do whatever with it!
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