Found 210 software entries
from category: Extension
Misc Mac Drivers (1990 - 1997)
This is a miscellenaous archive containing, for the most part, old Mac drivers for pheripherals like printers, tape drives, CD-ROM drives, modems, ethernet cards, TV tuners, etc... and even drivers for Apple printers for Windows 3.1 and...
System 7.x/8.x 2020 + date fix! The Date & Time control panel on System 7.1 and later is limited to a range of 1920 to 2019 by an operating system function called ToggleDate. I have created an extension that installs a patch that changes that...
QuickTime 6.x for OS X 10.1 Puma
This is an archive containing QuickTime 6.1.1, 6.2, 6.3 and 6.3.1 for Mac OS X 10.1.5 Puma only.
AutoMac III
Automatic Macro Maker AutoMac III is a macro application (extension) for the Apple Macintosh. It enables you to "record" and "play back" your keystrokes, clicks, and mouse movements to make using other Macintosh applications...
A universal CD-ROM driver
PlainTalk Text-To-Speech
StickyClick provides the "sticky" menu action introduced in Mac OS 8 to users of System 7. Sticky Click is a hack that adds the best feature of a trackball to the mouse. With a trackball, the mouse buttons can be sticky, that is,...
Joliet Volume Access
Basically, this System Extension enhances the way your Macintosh computer can read CD-ROMs from other platforms, mainly Windows. Note: This software is only suitable for Mac OS 9.2.2 and earlier (down to...
From the Readme First document... ClarusX2005 Written by Roby Sherman The original Clarus the Dogcow design was created by Susan Kare, but you already knew...
IIsi RAM-Muncher INIT
An extension to speed up IIsi use without giving slow disk operation. This extension is for Macintosh IIsi users, running System 7 or greater, only. The IIsi does not have VRAM, and video circuitry and the CPU must take turns to access the...
Wish I were...
The "Wish I were..." control panel provides a method for a system to identify its hardware as another hardware type, via the Gestalt "mach" selector. The reason for creating this control panel was to assist individuals who...
Apple IIe Card Software 2.21
Software and drivers to support the PDS-based "Apple IIe Card."
ATI RADEON 9000 Pro CD-ROM Mac Edition Release 200
This is the CD-ROM that accompanied the ATI RADEON 9000 Pro 128MB graphics card. It includes the drivers and extensions needed to use the ATI RADEON 9000 series of GPUs on Macintosh computers. It also includes ATI Smartshader Demos,...
FireWire 2.3.3
FireWire 2.3.3 is a component of the Mac OS and is suited for Mac OS 8.6 to 9.0.4 only. The FireWire 2.3.3 software includes three system extensions: - FireWire Support. This extension adds services to the Mac OS to support the use of FireWire...
MacinTalk is Apple's text-to-speech, or speech synthesizer, extension that allows Mac documents to "talk" their text using a range of computerized voices. MacinTalk (v1.0.2) was relased on April 15, 1985 and works on Mac OS 1.x to...
AltiVec Emulator
CarbonLib is a library required to launch carbon-based apps (OSX native/ready) under classic Mac OS (8.1 to 9.2.2) which accounts for lots of near year 2000 software, especially titles released both for Mac OS 9 and Mac OS X at the same...
Open Transport 1.1.2
OT installer for 68k Macintosh. AFP over IP requires apple share client 3.7.2 or higher.
OpenDivX Codec
OpenDivX is a DivX video codec for QuickTime on PPC Macs.
3D Windows
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