Found 562 software entries in Applications from category: Software Compilations

iLife for PPC

iLife for PPC (2002)
(Modified on 2019-12-03 16:05:20)

iLife is a multimedia software suite for early Mac OS X Macintosh computers.  At the turn of the millenium, iLife allowed for very easy movie creation, photo slideshows, music composing, DVD authoring, website creation and more all from your...

iLife ’11 (691-6677-A,2Z) (DVD)

iLife ’11 (691-6677-A,2Z) (DVD) (2010)
(Modified on 2023-05-13 16:28:16)

iLife is the consumer software bundle for multimedia management and creation. You can organize your photos in iPhoto verry well, cut videos in iMovie relativ professionally, burn your own DVDs in iDVD and create and publish your own personal...

Info-Mac Archive

Info-Mac Archive (2005)
(Added on 2019-10-28 10:12:15)

Info-Mac was the first Macintosh online community in 1984.  It had a mailinglist service along with a massive shareware/freeware FTP open to anyone, the latter being archived in the file below. The Info-Mac Archive evolved into a web 2.0...

Apple Russian Office

Apple Russian Office (1998)
(Modified on 2024-12-26 10:34:15)

Includes ClarisWorks v2.1CYv3, Agama, Socrat, Filemaker Pro v1.0CYv3, Simple Convertor v1.3.1 and Maestro v.1.2. It was not possible to check the functionality of all programs, since some do not start on 9.1

Golden Magazine CD

Golden Magazine CD (1995)
(Modified on 2024-12-04 08:10:35)

Le magazine Golden était publié en France et au Québec par MacShare et décrivait l'actualité du shareware Macintosh dans les années 90.  Les publications de 1995 (et possiblement d'autres...

Newer Technology (various util.)

Newer Technology (various util.) (1995)
(Modified on 2023-12-23 18:06:47)

This collection of five free utilities from Newer Technology lets you check your Mac’s processor speed and type, the amounts of Level 2 cache and RAM (including RAM error testing), your SCSI devices' addresses, and what expansion slots in...

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