Found 86 software entries
from category: Text Editing
VIM is a powerful, screen-oriented text editor. Original Source (
BBEdit Lite 4.6
BBEdit Lite is a free text editor for the Macintosh based on the award-winning BBEdit. Unlike a word processor, which is designed for preparing printed pages, a text editor focuses on providing means of producing and changing content. Thus, BBEdit...
Desk Accessory Set a pattern to match (simple regex grep) inside text files, and/or perform a word count Hiding under the cryptic name of Grep-Wc is a handy DA that reads and counts words in text and MacWrite files, You can use it to read...
PageSpinner 4.1
PageSpinner is an easy-to-use web authoring package for Mac OS. The HTML Editor supports HTML 3.2, HTML 4 and XHTML plus additional Netscape and Explorer extensions. Beginners will appreciate the application's extensive help while more...
BBEdit 2.X
BBEdit is a well-known, useful text editor.
Программа конвертации русских текстов PC <--> MAC. Поддерживает кодировки DOS, WIN, MAC. Более полная (коммерческая) версия доступна за $35, и...
TextWrangler is a powerful and richly-featured tool for composing, modifying, and transforming text stored in plain-text files. Who Needs TextWrangler? When people hear the phrase "text editor," they assume it's something like...
BBEdit Lite 3.x
Oh, for those of you who work with plain text files — programmers, HTML wizards, those sorts of folks — BBEdit Lite is a real find. This text editor does what it was meant to do exceedingly well. BBEdit Lite opens text files and lets you...
MicroMir (MIM)
Micromir is multi-platform text editor created in the mechanics and mathematics of Moscow state University in 1980-ies. It was used as a professional, but is better known for its use in the educational process at school, vocational school and...
Registration code for v2.6.4: e-mail: Code: 15d8e12a15116cc415d12a15116c Registration code for v1.5: Name: KIRI X Code: 1169054654028444674
Edit II
BBEdit 7.1.4
BBEdit is the leading professional HTML and text editor for the Mac. Specifically crafted in response to the needs of Web authors and software developers, this award-winning product provides a plethora of features for editing, searching, and...
BBEdit 6.x
"BBEdit is a high-performance HTML and text editor for the Macintosh. It is designed and crafted for the editing, searching, transformation, and manipulation of text. BBEdit provides an array of general-purpose features which are useful for a...
Edit7とは Edit7は Plain Text Fileを扱うための Multilingual Text Editorです。 Edit7の目標 ScriptManager(WorldScript1/2) 機能を最大限に利用した世界中で使用可能な...
ASLEdit+ is a KanjiTalk compatible text editor for Japanese and international Mac users. ASLEdit+ comes in both an application and a DA. It supports up to 32 open files, extensive search and replace, including multi-file search, and grep search and...
BBEdit Lite 2.x

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