Found 24 software entries
from category: Text based
Biorythm + Biorythm II
It is well known that humans have a number of biological clocks in their bodies that can be charted from their births. These cycles are: Physical Mental Emotional Use this program to explore those cycles in your Life...
John 3:16
Program that prints the text of John 3:16.
ClipStation is an attempt at uniting the Drag Manager with the Clipboard. Drag-and-drop is a cool new way of moving data between applications, but not everybody supports it yet. Hence, you can use ClipStation as a Òway stationÓ between...
French application for spelling and grammar verification.
MacDOS provides a Command Line interface for the Mac. It's main purpose is to let you manipulate large numbers of files and folders through scripts and wildcarding. It is like a very feature rich alternative to COMMAND.COM but runs on a...
MudWrestler v0.b7
MudWrestler is a MUD client that works on 68K and PPC Macs. FEATURES: Ticker You can set the Tick length and the alert time. Currently, the only Alert action is a beep and hard-coded feature that makes you say "x seconds to...
This program demonstrates the algorithm that Tempo uses to compare strings with the contents of the Clipboard. Strings representing numbers are converted to integers and compared. The first string only may contain '?', '*', and...
MR. Hide
Allow you to hide and show hidden files with a single command
FIGlet for Mac
nShell-Pro is a traditional shell for the Macintosh. While not as powerful as bash on a modern Linux distribution, it did offer a nice scripting environment. Some of its features include the ability to run up to twenty shells at a time, support for...
!Dos is a small command-line shell for the Apple Macintosh running System 7. It is only intended as an argument in the ongoing "there’s no shell for the Mac" debate; it’s not intended to be used heavy-duty. It can’t...
GLTerminal 0.9.2
Remember the old days, where we’d all be peering at little 10″ fisheyed black screens with green or amber text? Well you can relive the computing 70’s and 80’s with this funky app that emulates the appearance of an old...
MacShell is a Unix-like command line interface for the Macintosh. Its interface is modeled loosely on the Unix C-shell. Versions of a set of Unix-style file management, content searching, and other assorted utilities are built-in. It also contains a...
PopupFuncs is an add-in utility for programming environments and some text editors. When installed, it provides a pop-up menu of functions and other source-code constructs to ease navigation. PopupFuncs currently understands C, C++, Pascal, Object...
Wordlinx OCR 2.0
Pict2Ascii is a nice little freeware utility that takes a JPEG (or any QuickTime supported image format) and instantly turns it into an ASCII text document that looks like the image. You can also set the font family and size as well as set a...
iTerm (Tiger)
CLI Bible Reader
Command line Bible reader for OSX
Ars Magna
Ars Magna is a program to generate anagrams from words or phrases with their letters rearranged to spell something else. For example, the letters in the word dormitory can be rearranged to spell dirty room. Given a name, a short phrase,...

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