Found 35 software entries in Applications from category: Simulation


Blocks (1986)
(Added on 2017-02-23 18:36:37)

Blocks is an early and tiny (3KB!!) blocks stacking simulation, in which you click the mouse to add/remove rectangular bricks in a demi-brick unit fashion, so you're kind of limited to a grid to place them.  There's also an option that...

Real Domino Effect

Real Domino Effect (1996)
(Modified on 2018-04-06 10:31:12)

Real Domino Effect is a falling domino simulator, containing all sorts of pre-built patterns. This application allows the user to design their own domino run, both in terms of where it goes, as well as what the dominos look like. Additional...


MacBreadboard (1990)
(Modified on 2024-08-18 15:42:10)

MacBreadboard is a complex yet surprisingly simple to use electronics breadboard simulator for 68K Macs.  It features color (but also works on B&W Macs), drag and drop GUI ease of use and many, many switches, counters, logic gates, chips,...


StressTest (1988)
(Modified on 2024-11-23 15:24:29)

StressTest is a stress level calculator.  It asks 20 multiple choice questions and depending on what you answer, you obtain a report that explains what your relative stress level is.  

EDSAC Simulator

EDSAC Simulator (1992)
(Modified on 2024-08-18 00:41:04)

The EDSAC was the world’s first practical stored-program computer; it was designed and built at Cambridge University, and performed its first fully automatic calculation on 6 May 1949. The Warwick University simulator is a faithful...


MacRadarScope (2006)
(Added on 2024-04-07 10:48:23)

MacRadarScope is the only known available Air Traffic Control Client for the Macintosh platform. The original author, Ben Supnik has ceased development on the software, but has given permission for it to be publicy hosted and made available to...


Zippy (1987)
(Modified on 2023-12-23 10:38:46)

Zippy is an automata sandbox where a worm moves by itself and bumps into "pucks" (squares) along its way.  When the automated worm bumps into one, that puck pushes back 1 unit and the worm turns 90 degrees and continues forward. ...


MacAC (1990)
(Modified on 2023-09-21 09:45:00)

MacAC is a fully integrated linear circuit entry and simulation package that allows a user to graphically enter and edit analog circuits, perform analyses to investigate circuit properties and display or print the results in graphs or tables. It is...

Edge Dive Computer Simulator

Edge Dive Computer Simulator (1991)
(Modified on 2023-09-01 13:51:36)

The program Edge™ Dive Computer Simulator is a simulator for the Edge Dive Computer. The program simulates diving with the Edge for both no-decompression and decompression situations. The program uses the same decompression algorithms and...


PSpice (1993)
(Modified on 2023-08-03 14:40:01)

PSpice is an analog circuit simulator.  It calculates the voltages and currents of a circuit under a variety of different circumstances, such as DC, AC, and in time.  The program SPICE was developed at the University of California at...

Sim68 for Mac

Sim68 for Mac (1994)
(Modified on 2023-08-03 14:34:59)

This application is a simulator of the 6811, an 8-bit microcontroller by Motorola, and has been ported from a MS-DOS version by Ted Dunning.    The core of the simulator remained almost the same (and with small effort it would be...

Turing's World 3.0

Turing's World 3.0 (1993)
(Modified on 2023-07-20 13:15:01)

Lost, perhaps, in the furious pace of computer development is the fact that computers in most offices aren’t used very much in activities dependent on the results of theoretical computer science. From word processing to image manipulation,...


DesignScope (1986)
(Modified on 2023-07-14 11:43:20)

There was a time, in the deep dark past of humankind, that electronic circuit design was a cumbersome task. Circuits could be mapped with pencil and paper and component values estimated, but the circuit almost always had to be assembled (a task...

Mactivation 3.3

Mactivation 3.3 (1990)
(Modified on 2023-07-06 19:51:10)

Mactivation™ is an interactive simulator for investigating the low level concepts of associative memory in a parallel distributed processing (PDP) architecture. A direct interface to units, connections, and network parameters introduces the...


MicroGlobus (1988)
(Modified on 2023-04-18 14:49:11)

MicroGlobus is the Macintosh port of DOS MicroGlobus. The program was a port of the Globus World Computer Simulation developed at WZB in Berlin, Germany.

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