Found 271 software entries in Applications from category: Emulators

Connectix Virtual Game Station

Connectix Virtual Game Station (1999)
(Modified on 2024-11-26 13:55:12)

This is a Sony Playstation 1 relased by Connectix in 1999 for Power Macintosh. I found it on my father backup CDs and I .sit-ted it. It works really good on my Quicksilver 800 MHz DP G4 and it also reads backup copies :) How to install...

Bernie ][ The Rescue

Bernie ][ The Rescue (2000)
(Modified on 2023-02-08 16:09:31)

Bernie ][ The Rescue (formerly Fast Eddie) is the software that pioneered Apple IIgs emulation. It supports virtually all aspects of an Apple IIgs ROM 1 and 3 including serial communications, IWM, Ensoniq sound, all the graphics modes plus...


GBMac (1995)
(Modified on 2021-11-12 14:18:10)

GBMac is a fully featured commercial Game Boy emulator for 68K and PPC Macs.  It even comes with a palette editor to mimic the Super Game Boy color channels feature. Note: Documentation is in Japanese but the app is in english.  

Palm OS Emulator

Palm OS Emulator (2002)
(Modified on 2023-05-03 08:19:16)

The Palm OS® Emulator is software that emulates the hardware of the various models of Palm OS® platform devices. It is extremely valuable for writing, testing and debugging applications. Create "virtual" handhelds by running the...


Frodo (2001)
(Modified on 2023-01-31 22:25:47)

Frodo/MacOS is an extremely robust Commodore 64 Emulator for the Macintosh. Frodo was developed to reproduce the graphics of games and demos with higher precision than the existing C64 emulators. To that end, Frodo can display raster effects...


BSNES (2005)
(Modified on 2023-01-31 22:18:04)

BSNES has a somewhat different purpose to most emulators; it focuses on accuracy over performance. To that end, it does not include any game specific hacks, or idle-loop skipping optimizations commonly found in other emulators. To add to the fun, it...

MakPak I

MakPak I (2017)
(Modified on 2017-09-02 18:34:11)

Mak Pak I Build your own vintage mac! So I spent a while on this... (Yes, I know this is not software, but it gives you some way to run it!) and I made a kit to make your own mini vmac! Credits to:...

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