Found 59 software entries
from category: HTML
Adobe PageMill 3.0
Adobe PageMill allows you to create and edit web pages visually. Other handy features include seamless HTML editing and the ability to preview your webpage in a browser. Adobe PageMill 3.0 gives consumers a lot of bang for the buck, and for...
Claris Home Page 3.0
Claris Home Page is one of the earlier WYSIWYG HTML editors. It was known for its simplicity and the fact that its HTML was displayed fairly well across all browsers of its time. Version 3.0 also introduced the possibility to create...
Wikipedia Reader
Wikipedia Reader - An encyclopedia for classic MacOS Wikipedia Reader is an unofficial client to access Wikipedia's API to fetch encyclopedia articles and live search results and display them. It is written on and for...
Claris Home Page 2.0
When we reviewed Claris Home Page 1.0 (Nov/96, p58), we admired its interface but complained that it lacked many essential features. Among other things, the initial release didn’t support client-side image maps, WYSIWYG table manipula- tion,...
Claris Home Page 1.0
Adobe GoLive 5.0
With the installer you get a nice "Guide de l'utilisateur.pdf" in French ... By adding usable new features without sacrificing its trademark ease of use, Adobe’s new GoLive 5.0 aims to do for Web design what Photoshop did...
PageSpinner 4.1
PageSpinner is an easy-to-use web authoring package for Mac OS. The HTML Editor supports HTML 3.2, HTML 4 and XHTML plus additional Netscape and Explorer extensions. Beginners will appreciate the application's extensive help while more...
Visual Page
You’ve got to stand out somehow. Symantec bills Visual Page as the “Web page builder for busy professionals,” leaving the field wide open for others to sell to professionals with time on their hands. But seriously, folks, in some...
HTML.edit is an editor for the HyperText Markup Language, the text-based coding used for documents on World Wide Web (WWW). All HTML-coded documents created by HTML.edit are saved external to the editor as ASCII text files. World Wide Web servers...
Dreamweaver 1
Macromedia’s Dreamweaver is the first WYSIWYG Web-authoring application that can satisfy professional Web developers’ seemingly incompatible needs for both page-layout capabilities and straight HTML text coding. The application also...
GoLive CyberStudio 3
It’s ironic that the company that brings us CyberStudio 3.0 is named Golive, because we sure aren’t going anywhere now that we’re glued to our Macs, cranking out killer Web sites by the bucket. This massive upgrade adds a slew of...
Screwy HTML Fixer
WebWarrior is a basic HTML editor. See also: HoTMetaL
NetObjects Fusion 3.0
When Fusion first arrived on the scene, NetObjects promised designers the kind of control over their Web sites that they had over print pages, but the company couldn't deliver. Although version 2.0 made great strides, it's only with version...
BBEdit 6.x
"BBEdit is a high-performance HTML and text editor for the Macintosh. It is designed and crafted for the editing, searching, transformation, and manipulation of text. BBEdit provides an array of general-purpose features which are useful for a...
Dreamweaver 4.01
Serial: DWM400-07977-58216-82564
Myrmidon 1.1
Dreamweaver 2
WYSIWYG. Say it again: what you see is what you get. When we looked at Dreamweaver 1.0 (see May/98, p38), we affirmed its reputation as the first respectable WYSIWYG Web-authoring package because it got the “what you get” part —...
HTML Pro is a program that allows you to edit Hyper Text Markup Language documents (the documents used on the World Wide Web) on your Macintosh. HTML Pro will display your documents almost as they will look when seen with a web browser, such as...
Adobe PageMill 1.0
Nobody likes writing HTML documents using a text editor. OK, there are a few people who do, but these are the same ones who wax nostalgic about command-line interfaces and the joys of writing your own operating system. Stand next to them at a party,...

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