Found 8 software entries
from category: Sequencer
Apple Logic Pro 7.0
Logic Pro 7 System Requirements Macintosh computer with PowerPC G4 or faster processor (G5 or dual G4 processors recommended). PowerPC G5 and Gigabit Ethernet connectivity for Logic Node applications. Mac OS X v10.3 or later. 512 MB of...
Cubase SE
Station audio numérique de Steinberg en version "d'introduction". C'est la plus petite version du trio SE/SL/SX, l'équivalent actuel de la série Element. 48 pistes audio 24bit/96Khz 5 effets d'insert...
Need working serial for saving M An Intelligent Musical Instrument M is an interactive composing and performing system that takes notes and chords that you specify and manipulates them, under your control, to create musical...
MIDIGraphy is a multi track MIDI sequencer for the Macintosh, which allows you to edit, play back and record standard MIDI files. It may be good for a Desk-Top-Music use. If you do not have a real MIDI compatible keyboard to play back the...
Emagic Logic Audio 3.5
Disc image of Emagic Logic Audio 3.5 Installer.
Emagic Logic Audio Platinum 6
Searching for Logic Audio Platinum 6 Installer (Mac OS X)
HMSL - Hierarchical Music Specification Language
About HMSL HMSL stands for Hierarchical Music Specification Language. HMSL is a programming language and software environment for experimental music composition, performance and research. Our goal is to provide tools needed by...
MasterTracks Pro 5
MasterTracks Pro 5 is a multi-track music sequencer that records MIDI (musical instrument digital interface) performances from your keyboard, drum pads or midi guitar rig. You can also compose your ideas in the step sequencer window. This...

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