Found 9 software entries
from category: Medical
Take Five
Take Five is holistic mindfulness software to keep around as a break from busy lifestyle. It has four modes or spaces: Music of the Spheres mode has different 3D marbles that you can move and set into motion. Each of them plays a different...
Mayo Clinic Family Health Book
Medical HouseCall
Interactive Home Medical Guide & Symptom Analysis (Obviously, this is more than a quarter of a centory old, so please DO NOT refer to this today if you or somebody you take care of is sick.) With the bewildering range of choices faced...
Australia's leading practice management software for medical professionals.
Heart Rate Monitor
NeuroNet 1.0 is a neural network (nervous network simulator) with truly interesting features that offers the user the possibility of creating an extraordinary number of different networks, animating multiple networks simultaneously and...
Family Health Book
1300 pages come to life on CD-ROM. Unveil the mysteries of the human body with this home medical reference.
Medical Drug Reference
Medical Drug Reference

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