Found 22 software entries in Applications from category: Backup

HFS Backup 3.0

HFS Backup 3.0 (1988)
(Modified on 2024-11-26 10:17:11)

HFS Backup 3.0 is a disk backup utility published by PCPC (Personal Computer Peripherals Corp.) in 1988. It can perform full or incremental backups to floppy disks or mounted volumes, and even has a scheduler for automated backups. Also included...

Carbon Copy Cloner 3.x

Carbon Copy Cloner 3.x (2002)
(Modified on 2024-01-07 09:43:27)

  The main function of CCC is to clone data from one hard disk to another, for example to replace the laptop unit with a larger model without losing any data. CCC, however, can also be used to make periodic backups of the Mac. Just select a...

Track Thief

Track Thief (1996)
(Modified on 2023-12-23 17:16:24)

Track Thief is a small program for converting audio tracks on a CD to AIFF files on a hard disk. I wrote it because I couldn't find any programs that use the reliable buffering feature of Apple's CD driver to read audio data in streaming...

Network DiskFit

Network DiskFit (1990)
(Modified on 2023-09-19 15:54:36)

When AppleShare first arrived on the Macintosh scene, its use of a folder-based protection scheme caused some consternation among writers of backup software. SuperMac Technology was the first to develop a product. Network DiskFit, that allows users...

Redux Deluxe 2.0.1

Redux Deluxe 2.0.1 (1993)
(Modified on 2023-07-20 12:53:25)

Redux Deluxe tries to make the sometimes complex task of backing up your data simple and automatic. You begin by launching the application, choosing Backup, and identifying your source disk and the first backup (target) disk. Redux Deluxe...


PowerMerge (1992)
(Modified on 2023-07-17 14:50:49)

PowerMerge is one of several synchronization programs that help you keep individual files, folders, or entire volumes organized and up-to-date. PowerMerge 1.0.2 was a useful program... Version 2.0 adds important new features. Here’s a...

Mezzo 4.7.4

Mezzo 4.7.4 (2006)
(Modified on 2023-04-15 14:44:35)

Mezzo runs in tandem with other digital media applications, scanning, processing, and transferring data in the background, archiving & databasing complex projects of audio/video workstations for digital media professionals....

VOODOO Personal

VOODOO Personal (2002)
(Modified on 2023-03-21 22:54:17)

Protect your creative work Have you ever deleted a document by mistake – or made a change to a document just to find out that you would like to undo the change a few days later? Or did you ever want to know what a document looked like the...

Fastback II

Fastback II (1990)
(Modified on 2023-03-09 16:40:09)

As falling prices put more and larger hard disks on the desktops of Mac users, the need to keep your data secure and manageable grows in importance. Fastback II, the second edition or Fifth Generation Systems' popular harddisk-backup program,...


ShuttlePilot (1993)
(Modified on 2021-11-12 14:44:46)

ShuttlePilot ============ Keeping multiple copies of files stored on separate media or separate machines up to date whenever a change is made to one of the copies is an old problem. Recently with the proliferation of PowerBooks and the rising...

Newton Backup Utility

Newton Backup Utility (1995)
(Modified on 2021-11-12 14:39:31)

With the Newton Backup Utility, you can connect your Apple MessagePad or other Newton PDA to your computer and do the following: ¥ Back up Newton information and store it on your computer. ¥ Install packages (applications, system...


SimpleBackup (1996)
(Added on 2019-05-03 11:15:50)

SimpleBackup is a small shareware utility that lets a user set aliases of folders they want backed up and then all the user has to do is launch the utility app and the backup process automatically starts. There are no options to automatically...

FWB BackUp ToolKit 3.x

FWB BackUp ToolKit 3.x (2001)
(Added on 2019-04-17 09:49:56)

BackUp ToolKit is the backup utility for Macintosh that you can use for: Data backup (mirror or incremental). Data restoration (in case of file loss). Data synchronization of two volumes or two folders. Scheduled data backup and data...

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