Found 10 software entries in Applications from category: Image Editor

MathMap Cocoa

MathMap Cocoa (2004)
(Modified on 2024-12-13 06:48:39)

MathMap Cocoa is the result of porting the MathMap GIMP plugin by Mark Probst to Mac OS X and providing it with an advanced Aqua GUI. It can be used to render spectacular new images or distort existing ones by...

Corel Photo-Paint 8

Corel Photo-Paint 8 (1999)
(Modified on 2023-05-09 12:51:10)

Photo-Paint 8, also part of the CorelDraw 8 suite, is now available separately. Although we touched on Photo-Paint 8 in our review of CorelDraw 8 (Nov/98, p54), the stand-alone package deserves its own in-depth review because it does so...

GretagMacbeth EyeOne Match

GretagMacbeth EyeOne Match (2002)
(Modified on 2023-02-16 02:40:16)

Hybrid ISO containing the following: i1Match2.0_20021219.sit i1MatchAll20021219.ZIP i1MatchAll20021219.exe 548_i1-C-SDK_Mac_1.0.3.sit   2.0 Beta is for projector   Use...

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