Found 31 software entries
from category: Drawing
Painter 1.x
Painter is an artist's dream of a palming program that transcends the special effects; of Oasis and PixelPaint Professional. Unlike those programs, Painter is designed specifically for replicating natural drawing and painting media, a difficult...
Macromedia Freehand 9
In the never-ending leapfrog game with the competition, Macromedia has outpaced Adobe with version 9 of its powerful vector-drawing app, FreeHand. With this rev, Macromedia aims to retain its popularity with the print-design market while attempting...
NetScapes 216 Colors
Does the world need yet another object-oriented drawing program? if the program does something special, the answer is yes. Paradigm is such a program. It adds relational drawing abilities to the basic drawing package. In an ordinary drawing program,...
Canvas X
Vector graphics editing app for late PowerPC Macs. Similar to Adobe Illustrator.
Gammasoft Schematica
ArtBeat Professional (Demo)
ArtBeat Professional is an object-oriented drawing program from Pie Practical Solutions Inc. It offers vast capabilities and features at an affordable price. Its astonishing speed, easy to use interface and dedicated...
Pixelmator 2.0
Edit photos like a pro, create vectors, watermarks, web designs, and more!
Macromedia Freehand 5.0.1-D
Contours 1.0 (68k and PPC)
Contours version 1.0 is the initial release of the Contours program. The program is designed to ease the making of two dimension maps that can be used in 3D programs. The program makes two dimension images that can be used as bump, reflection,...
Alphie 1.1
Alphie is a highly customizable alphabet-drawing program that should be welcomed by anyone teaching children or adults their ABC’s. Four editable print/script fonts may be copied or traced and provisions exist for creating your very own.
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