Found 10 software entries
from category: NewsReader
Cyberdog 1.x
Cyberdog is a suite of Internet components that allows you to browse the World Wide Web, receive and send e-mail, read articles from Usenet newsgroups, browse AppleTalk zones and servers, exchange files with FTP, and log into other computers with...
YA-NewsWatcher stands for "Yet Another" News Watcher. Yet Another NewsWatcher is a Usenet newsreader application for Macintosh. Its features include automatic viewing of downloaded images, binary posting, flexible article filtering...
Hermes is a premium batch processor for posting binaries on Usenet. Hermes requires a newsreader to process files. Hermes does work with Thoth to function.
Ibis (pronounced eye-biss) is an AppleScript that will auto-post files to newsgroups using Thoth for OS X.
The Newsflash project is an OpenSource effort to create an easy to use but powerful native Mac OS X Usenet newsreader. Newsflash features a gorgeous non-blocking Aqua GUI married to an architecture which supports multiple NNTP news servers,...
MacSOUP is an offline reader for Macintosh. It handles news and mail (but it can optionally interface to Eudora or Claris Emailer, if you prefer to use that for all your mail). Haller, Stefan. (2000). MacSOUP....
NetNewsWire Lite
Nuntius was an internet news reader for Macintosh.
MT-NewsWatcher 3.x
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