Found 20 software entries
from category: FTP
NetPresenz is a FTP, Gopher and web (WWW) server all in one. NetPresenz allows anyone with a 68K or PPC Mac to host a file server. NetPresenz 4.1 is now freeware. NetPresenz was in earler versions called FTPd, see that page for some...
Rumpus FTP Server
The Premier FTP Server for Mac OS
Internet Starter Kit for Macintosh
This disk contains all of the software that you need to access the Internet! A custom installer makes installation a breeze! Included are: Anarchie1.5 Eudora 1.5.1 Internet Config 1.1 InterSLIP 1.0.1 MacPPP 2.0.1 MacTCP...
PureFTPd Manager is a simple Cocoa frontend to PureFTPd, "a free (BSD), secure, production-quality and standard-conformant FTP server based upon Troll-FTPd", for Mac OS X. Home...
Fetch is an advanced FTP Client and was maybe the defacto standard on classic Macintosh computers.
Rumpus Pro 1.1
Rumpus Pro is a Open Transport native FTP server for Mac. Rumpus Pro supports up to 256 simultaneous connections shares an infinite number of folders. Rumpus Pro does not need Mac OS file sharing functionality, thus improving performance...
v1.0 - Release Notes What is GSFTP ? With GSFTP you can efficiently and reliably fetch and transmit files to any kind of Internet server using FTP or SFTP. The goal of GSFTP is to be simple and to the point. GSFTP will work with servers...
FTPShare 3.1.4
FTPShare v3.1.4 turns any Mac OS computer into an FTP server, compatible with any recent FTP client. This application allows to start, stop and configure an FTP server running in the background on your Macintosh.
XferIt 1.5
XferIt was a reliable FTP client on MacOS written by Steven Falkenburg who at the time worked for Apple. This is version 1.5b4 copyrighted 1991 and 1992.
FTPd 3.0
FTPd is the precursor to what became NetPresenz. FTPd is a Macintosh implementation of the WWW, Gopher and FTP server protocols. It should be compatible with most FTP clients, and all WWW and Gopher clients. Basically it allows...
MacSFTP ReadMe MacSFTP is a Macintosh application used to transfer files over TCP/IP using the Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) subset of the Secure Shell Protocols (SSH). SFTP is the replacement for the old and insecure File Transfer...
Advanced FTP/HTTP client.
What is osXigen? osXigen is a multi-threaded Ftp client based on the Cocoa framework. It was designed to be extremely easy to use and powerful enough to handle all your Ftp needs. osXigen features: - It's Cocoa-based and feels...
Transmit 1.7
Mirror is an utility that lets a user mirror a FTP or local folder to another FTP or local folder. It does not have many options, but it still has a checkbox that allows for copying changed files and another one for copying new files, which...
Anarchie is an FTP (File Transfer Protocol) client for the Macintosh. It will let you browse FTP sites, upload or download files, or find them using an Archie or Mac Search. Anarchie is also scriptable/automatable using...
Captain FTP
Captain is a commercial FTP client for Mac OS X. You can connect to FTP Servers (obviously)
Anarchie Pro 3.x
Anarchie Pro is a file transfer utility for the Macintosh. It will let you upload and download files from FTP or web sites, get entire web sites, extract and list web links, resume interrupted and failed transfers, maintain entire FTP sites, edit...
FTupperWare is a small and simple FTP application used to monitor a "hot folder" and send any items added to it to an FTP server of your choice. How to use it: Upon first launch, FTupperWare will ask you to enter in its general...
WowFTP Welcome to this quick utility for downloading FTP files of a webserver. Simply type in the address of a webserver, and connect to it. Requirements Mac OS 9/X Windows 95/98/ME/2000/XP/7/10 Linux x86 Networking TCP/IP Network...

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