Found 7 software entries in Applications from category: Legal


WillMaker (1988)
(Modified on 2023-11-03 17:52:59)

WillMaker 3.0 from Nolo Press & Legisoft. It is written in Microsoft BASIC and enjoys the MS BASIC Interpreter. To launch it, double click on the WM file.

WillMaker 6

WillMaker 6 (1996)
(Modified on 2023-06-24 16:02:59)

Consider yourself forewarned. With Nolo Press’s WillMaker 6.0, you’ve run out of excuses for not writing a will, health-care directive, or final-arrangement document. Let’s start with the classic excuse, “It’s too...

Quicken Family Lawyer

Quicken Family Lawyer (1996)
(Modified on 2023-06-06 16:07:16)

Quicken financial software solved a problem in my household caused, ironically, by computers themselves. Proliferating ATMs made managing a joint checkbook too hard for our manual method of monthly balancing. Quicken Family Lawyer, in contrast, aims...

For the Record

For the Record (1990)
(Modified on 2023-01-29 14:17:12)

Get all your affairs in order for when you die.  A checklist and record of things you may have forgotten. Insurance, wills, inventory, holdings, etc. There are times when we all wish we had our lives better organized. This is as true...

Loancalc 2.1.1 (68k and PPC)

Loancalc 2.1.1 (68k and PPC) (1998)
(Added on 2020-02-08 13:01:05)

LOANCALC will compute loan payment, declining balance, and equity schedules (running and cumulative) for fixed rate loans with or without prepayment schedules.  The terms of the loan (Principal, Percentage, Term, and number of Payments per...

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