Found 9 software entries
from category: Sound Design
AU Lab 2.2
free digital audio mixing application, AU Lab, is used as a host application for Audio Unit effects, including AURoundTripAAC Audio Unit. auditioning audio, detecting peaks and clipping, and performing double-blind listening tests.
Logic Studio v1.0 Install 2007 (DVD-DL)
Logic Studio includes Logic Pro 8, MainStage, Soundtrack Pro 2, Studio Instruments/Effects and production utilities.
The Sound-Trecker v1.0
Sound track (".MOD") file player for the Macintosh
MetaSynth 2.x
MetaSynth is the first synthesis and sound design software that gives you all the power of advanced computer graphics to explore infinite sonic possibilities. It combines sampling, wavetable, additive, subtractive, granular and frequency modulation...
MetaTrack 1.2.5
MetaTrack is a direct to disk audio montage & mixing application specially designed for use with MetaSynth. It displays all sounds graphically using MetaSynth preset pictures and provides a unique visual approach to audio sequencing. Sounds are...
Voice Machine VST 6.0.1
Argeïphontes Lyre 2.0.4
"A set of time domain audio filters and generators for the Macintosh" is a beatiful toolbox that hosts several ways of creating and transforming sound. There are non-real-time processes, real-time buffer modulations, concatenations and...
GrainWave 3.0.1
GrainWave 3 is a real-time, software synthesizer for Power Macintosh (PPC) computers. GrainWave will run on the standard equipment that comes with any PPC. It does not require any additional hardware. GrainWave has an open synthesis...
Argeïphontes Lyre 1.001
"A set of time domain audio filters and generators" Argeïphontes Lyre is a beatiful toolbox that hosts several ways of creating and transforming sound. There are non-real-time processes, real-time buffer modulations, concatenations...

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