Found 50 software entries in Applications from category: Office

Microsoft Office 2004 [de_DE]

Microsoft Office 2004 [de_DE] (2004)
(Modified on 2023-10-02 17:30:11)

Die Installation funktioniert nicht, weil es der CD-Inhalt als ZIP-Archiv ist. Daher einfach das Verzeichnis "Microsoft Office 2004" nach "Programme" verschieben ... Installation des Windows Media Players muss händisch...

iWork '08

iWork '08 (2007)
(Modified on 2024-07-31 17:57:34)

iWork makes it easy for you to create, present, and publish your work with style. iWork ’08 includes Numbers, an innovative spreadsheet application; Pages, a powerful word processor; and Keynote, a cinema-quality presentation...

AppleWorks 6.x

AppleWorks 6.x (2001)
(Modified on 2024-12-01 19:56:13)

AppleWorks — the most popular program on the Mac — is really several applications in one. It gives you six core capabilities (and a number of combinations thereof): word processing, spreadsheet, database, presentation, drawing and...

Microsoft Office 2001

Microsoft Office 2001 (2000)
(Modified on 2023-05-26 16:44:17)

Microsoft Office 2001 is a suite of productivity software for Mac OS 8 and 9 (and the Classic environment in Mac OS X). It consists of Word, PowerPoint, Excel & Entourage. Microsoft has finally seen the light. An ever-increasing feature...

Microsoft Office 98 Mac edition

Microsoft Office 98 Mac edition (1998)
(Modified on 2023-04-09 13:44:17)

I have used this software across a few of my Macs over the years and I have been very impressed by it's performance and  stability.  Compared to the Wintell version of the same time of release the Mac version is actually better. ...


Thunderbird (2003)
(Modified on 2024-09-16 17:09:36)

Thunderbird delivers. Enjoy safe, fast, and easy email, with intelligent spam filters, quick message search, and customizable views. Brought to you by Mozilla, Thunderbird makes email better.  - (Mozilla) All versions presented on this...

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