Found 4 software entries
from category: Music Production
Redmatica Autosampler 2.3.2
One of a kind software that was acquired by Apple and then killed. Some parts made it into Logic but it was never the same. This software allows a user to connect a hardware synthesizer and sample the entire system into a sample library...
Ableton Live Lite 7.0.13
Ableton Live Lite 7.0.13 as included with the AKAI APC40. This is a reduced functionality version of Live 7, although the installer may include the full version of Live 7.
Live 6 M-Audio
Ableton Live 6 as included with M-Audio products circa 2006, 2007. I believe the functionality is analogous to their "Lite" offerings, this is not the full Live 6 version.
This software allows you to make akai mpc's 'PGM' files on your Macintosh. It also play-back and convert 'SND' files. Features • Read and write MPC2000(XL) & MPC3000".PGM" files. • Play...

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