Found 405 software entries
from category: Educational
Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing!
Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing - Version 17
Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing, version 17 is a software training program built on a proven core curriculum. Using this great technology at home, in the office, or at school helps you develop excellent typing skills.
Microsoft Office 2001 - Swedish
Microsoft Office 2001 - Swedish in ISO-format.
ClarisWorks for Kids
ClarisWorks for Kids, the first complete cross-platform productivity software solution designed specifically for grades K-5 (ages 5-11). The all-in-one writing, painting, graphing, list-making educational software for children offers a unique...
NEWS Willkommen beim Cyberbanking
Eine österreichische Hybrid CD-ROM von 1998 welche eine Einführung zu Cyber-Banking/Online-Banking ist An austrian Hybrid CD-ROM from 1998 which is an Introduction to Cyber-Banking/Online-Banking.
Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing Platinum Version 20
The first version of what would evolve into the world-renowned block-based Scratch programming language. Like Scratch, it was developed at MIT in early 1995 (Scratch started development in 2003), and only contained a few blocks and a very...
Kid Pix 2.5
Fantastic Art and Creativity software for kids and adults. This version works well in emulation. It is identical to the drawing portion in Kid Pix Studio.
Your Apple Tour of the Macintosh II - Operating Your Computer
Note: This is also a part of:
ADI 4 Français-Maths 3ème
Logiciel ludo-éducatif ADI 4.10. Programme Français et Mathématiques.
Adi 4 Français Maths CE2
Les CD d'environnement 4.21 école sont nécessaires pour lancer cette application.
Blocks is an early and tiny (3KB!!) blocks stacking simulation, in which you click the mouse to add/remove rectangular bricks in a demi-brick unit fashion, so you're kind of limited to a grid to place them. There's also an option that...
Vitsie Visits The Ocean
A multimedia CD for children starring an odd alien host.
Extraterrestrials: The Final Conspiracy
An "educational" software about aliens, developed by Australian multimedia company Eurekamedia and distributed by Nodtronics. This title contains a large amount of information and documents about assumed alien...
All The Right Type
All The Right Type is a typing training application. All The Right Type features B&W graphics with structured and categorized lessons, exams and even adequate posture tips with pictures.
Transparent Italian
A learn-by-reading language teaching program. Sample texts are given and you can click on words and phrases to get their (contextual) translation, and meaning.
Mac Subtitler 2.3a
Mac Subtitler - "the subtitling program for the rest of us."
xLogicCircuits is a basic visual logic circuit drawing tool and ON/OFF state tester. As its name implies, xLogicCircuits does not account for resistors, voltage or amperage of an electrical circuit, but rather only accounts for logic gates,...

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