Found 7 software entries
from category: Business & Productivity
At Ease
At Ease is an alternate desktop environment for System 7 - macOS 8.1 mainly designed for multiple users (there is also a Workgroups version included). At Ease was a very clever double play on words as (just in the military) items are kept...
Menu Clock (aka Instant Time)
Adds a clock to the menu bar
To Do! DA
To Do! is a Desk Accessory that allows you to keep track of the myriad of things you need to do in an organized and easily accessible manner.
On Location!
A very fast file location Desk Accessroy; index drives and find file quickly and easily. Q: What are the three must important things to consider when you buy real estate? A: Location, location, and location. This truism can apply to the real...
Apple MIDI Manager 2.0.2
Apple MIDI Manager allowed software to communicate to MIDI devices and instruments through a MIDI interface, which could be a simple box to provide a single input/output, or it could be a patchbay, providing numerous intputs/outputs. Opcode's...
Agfa ScanWise CD
LaserWriter 8
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