Found 3 software entries in System beginning with: "A" from category: Business & Productivity

At Ease

At Ease (1992)
(Modified on 2024-01-07 20:06:07)

At Ease is an alternate desktop environment for System 7 - macOS 8.1 mainly designed for multiple users (there is also a Workgroups version included). At Ease was a very clever double play on words as (just in the military) items are kept...

Apple MIDI Manager 2.0.2

Apple MIDI Manager 2.0.2 (1993)
(Modified on 2023-08-16 16:10:17)

Apple MIDI Manager allowed software to communicate to MIDI devices and instruments through a MIDI interface, which could be a simple box to provide a single input/output, or it could be a patchbay, providing numerous intputs/outputs. Opcode's...

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