Found 9 software entries
from category: Codec
OpenDivX Codec
OpenDivX is a DivX video codec for QuickTime on PPC Macs.
WMA audio codec for Mac OS 9
WMA Audio codec extension which allows QuickTime Player to play WMA files.
AC-3 Codec for Mac OS 9
QDesign Music Codec 2.1
The Professional Edition of the QDesign Music Codec 2, for QuickTime 4, represents a breakthrough in audio technology for new media. It enables audio files to be compressed to levels beyond 100:1 while maintaining good quality sound. A one-minute,...
QDesign Music Codec 2
The Professional Edition of the QDesign Music Codec 2, for QuickTime 4, represents a breakthrough in audio technology for new media. It enables audio files to be compressed to levels beyond 100:1 while maintaining good quality sound. A one-minute,...
DivX 4 codec
3ivx/Xvid (for OS 8.6 to 9.x + OSX)
3vix is a system extension that allows to play DIVX and XVID movies (MPEG-4 format) on Mac OS 8.6 and later.
DivX 5 (DivX Codec for Mac OS)
Indeo Video Codec, 4.4, 5.0
QuickTime 3 or 4 Pro Macintosh users wishing to create compressed movies for the Intel Architecture based PC market can now use their Power Macintosh G3 to both compress and play back Intel Indeo® Video 5 in QuickTime files. This compressor...

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