QDesign Music Codec 2.1

Type: System
Category: Codec , Music & Sound
Shared by: MR
On: 2020-09-13 10:30:46
Updated by: InkBlot
On: 2023-08-23 12:06:55
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What is QDesign Music Codec 2.1?

The Professional Edition of the QDesign Music Codec 2, for QuickTime 4, represents a breakthrough in audio technology for new media. It enables audio files to be compressed to levels beyond 100:1 while maintaining good quality sound. A one-minute, 44.1 kHz stereo file can be reduced from 11MB to 150KB. This makes the delivery of high quality audio over the bandwidth-limited realm of the Internet truly possible. With an impressive list of features, QDesign Music Codec is the [sic] designed help audio and multimedia professionals deliver the highest quality of audio with the least amount of time and energy.

QDesign Corporation. (2001). QDesign Products. www.qdesign.com/products/index.htm

The only difference between QDesign Music Codec version 2.0 and 2.1 is that version 2.1 includes code optimization for the G4 processor. There are no feature differences.

Download QDesign Music Codec 2.1 for Mac

(168.94 MiB / 177.15 MB)
/ Zipped
7 / 2020-09-13 / e346ebe164832d0d3969da2a9fe0d366c05a7b30 / /



Compatibility notes

Minimum Requirements

  • 100 MHz PPC601
  • QuickTime 4.0
  • QuickTime Pro 4.0, Media Cleaner Pro 4.0, or any program that can access the export function of QuickTime 4

Emulating this? It could probably run under: SheepShaver

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