QDesign Music Codec 2.1
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On: 2020-09-13 10:30:46
On: 2023-08-23 12:06:55
(There's no video for QDesign Music Codec 2.1 yet. Please contribute to MR and add a video now!)
The Professional Edition of the QDesign Music Codec 2, for QuickTime 4, represents a breakthrough in audio technology for new media. It enables audio files to be compressed to levels beyond 100:1 while maintaining good quality sound. A one-minute, 44.1 kHz stereo file can be reduced from 11MB to 150KB. This makes the delivery of high quality audio over the bandwidth-limited realm of the Internet truly possible. With an impressive list of features, QDesign Music Codec is the [sic] designed help audio and multimedia professionals deliver the highest quality of audio with the least amount of time and energy.
QDesign Corporation. (2001). QDesign Products. www.qdesign.com/products/index.htm
The only difference between QDesign Music Codec version 2.0 and 2.1 is that version 2.1 includes code optimization for the G4 processor. There are no feature differences.
(168.94 MiB / 177.15 MB)
/ Zipped
 7 /  2020-09-13 /  e346ebe164832d0d3969da2a9fe0d366c05a7b30 / 
 IBM PowerPC
Compatibility notes 
Minimum Requirements
- 100 MHz PPC601
- QuickTime 4.0
- QuickTime Pro 4.0, Media Cleaner Pro 4.0, or any program that can access the export function of QuickTime 4
Emulating this? It could probably run under: SheepShaver
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