Found 11 software entries
from category: Keyboard Layout
French Canadian Keyboard Layout
This is a file that contains two French Canadian keyboard layouts (French Canadian and ISO). To install, copy to the "Systems" file located in "System Folder" (that looks like a briefcase). This file was taken from System...
ABNT2 Brazilian Portuguese Keyboard Layout ( OS X )
Brazilian ABNT2 Standard Keyboard Layout installer for Mac OS X
Mac Romanian RSRC Fonts and Keyboard Layout
1. Unzip the file > Mount the image > Read instructions > Install software > Check instructions agian how to activate romanian resources > Enjoy. 2. Copy romanian fonts to System folder > Fonts .
France - NF Z71 300A
France - NF pourrait vous être utile si, par exemple, vous utilisez un émulateur tel que SheepShaver avec un clavier à la norme NF Z71 300 A. France - NF est une configuration de clavier pour MacOS 9 basée sur...
Mac Cyrillic Keyboards
Included in the file are cyrillic keyboards that allow Macintosh users to use standard Cyrillic keyboards: UNIX CP-10866 KOI-8 Phonetic UNIX CP-10866 KOI-8 Standard Macintosh CP-10007 Phonetic Macintosh CP-10007 Standard MS DOS CP-866...
Раскладка русской клавиатуры, позволяющая переключаться между русской и английской клавиатурами с помощью клавиши CapsLock. Моя раскладка...
CyrilliX Lite
Cyrillix Lite - утилита добавляющая клавиатуры для более удобной работы с кирилическими языками. (CyrilliX Lite is a utility that adds keyboards for more convenient...
Mac OS CZ Bundle 8.5
About Mac OS CZ Bundle 8.5 What is Mac OS CZ Bundle 8.5 for Mac OS CZ Bundle 8.5 provides you with complete system support for using Czech fonts, Czech and Slovak keyboards with an international version of Mac OS. After installing this...
Czech keyboard layout for OS 7-9
This file adds a Czech keyboard layout so that it is possible to type in Czech normally (for example, the numbers above the QWERTY line type 2-ě, 3-š, 4-č, etc.) The czech keyboard layout will be accessible in the right top corner of the...
US International Keyboard Layout
Many international users have keyboards with the U.S. layout, and are accustomed to typing accented characters with the key sequences of the Windows "U.S. - International" keyboard layout. They often don't wish to get used to the...
U.S. International keyboard layout for Mac OS X 10.5+
This is a version of the “U.S. International” keyboard layout for Mac OS X™ 10.5 (Leopard) and up. This version may work with Tiger (10.4) but probably will not work with older versions of Mac OS X. It is intended to make...

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