Mac OS CZ Bundle 8.5

Shared by: Henryk
On: 2018-01-03 08:45:51
Updated by: Amid
On: 2023-06-28 17:54:35
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What is Mac OS CZ Bundle 8.5?

About Mac OS CZ Bundle 8.5

What is Mac OS CZ Bundle 8.5 for

Mac OS CZ Bundle 8.5 provides you with complete system support for using Czech fonts, Czech and Slovak keyboards with an international version of Mac OS. After installing this language support bundle, you will be able to use Czech applications, Czech date, time and number formats, Czech alphabetical sorting, and write with Czech or Slovak text on Czech or Slovak keyboard.

This installer can be used for any system version from System 7.1 to Mac OS 8.5.1.

What's new in Mac OS CZ Bundle 8.5

• New versions of fonts
All Czech fonts, which are distributed with Czech versions of the Macintosh operating system, have been updated.  Mac OS CZ Bundle 8.5 includes version 3.0 of these fonts, which now always uses the TrueType format. Included are also some new fonts that were added into Mac OS 8.5 as alternatives to standard Chicago and Charcoal.

• System resources for Appearance
For systems Mac OS 8.0 and newer, essential resources for selecting alternate fonts in the Appearance control panel have been included. In Mac OS 8.0 and Mac OS 8.1 the font Charcoal CE has been added, in Mac OS 8.5 all alternate fonts are available in the Appearance's pop-up menu. For Mac OS 8.5 there is also a new "small system font" called Lucida Grande CE. This font is planned to replace currently used Geneva CE in future versions of Mac OS. However, the included version of this font is not final, so be careful using it.

• Unofficial additions
Considering the needs and wishes of Czech Macintosh users, some 3rd-party products have been added to this version of CZ Bundle. Please note, that these products are not officially supported by Apple Computer, Inc. These additions include some special keyboard definitions, ScriptSwitcher control panel for switching default system language script, and a package of special fonts called ProFont, which is primarily targetted at software developers.

Distribution and waranty

Mac OS CZ Bundle 8.5 contains parts, which are subject to the software licence provided by Apple Computer, Inc. for free as an extension to your operating system user licence. Unchanged Mac OS CZ Bundle 8.5 Installer can be freely distributed on any data media or by data transfer through computer networks within terms of this licence. If you do not have legal user licence of Mac OS, you are not allowed to use Mac OS CZ Bundle 8.5.

Even although some parts of this software package are officially approved by Apple Computer, Inc., Mac OS CZ Bundle 8.5 is distributed AS IS and without a waranty of any kind, and if you use it, you do it at your own risk.


An acknowledgement of creating this installer belongs to KPPM, the Czech Macintosh User Group, without whose strong interest in Macintosh computers it would probably never grow up into this looking. If you feel honour bound to thank somebody for existence of Mac OS CZ Bundle 8.5, you can do it by supporting KPPM. You can read more info about KPPM at


Mac OS CZ Bundle 8.5 was created by HOnza Koudelka ( in cooperation with CDS Apple Computer IMC, Czech Republic ( If you have any questions or comments, please send it to either CDS, or author. You can find current contact addresses on the WWW pages listed above, or you can use the following postal address:

Czech Data Systems, s.r.o.
Apple Computer IMC
Na Safrance 22
101 00  Praha 10
Czech Republic

© 1998  - 1999 Apple Computer, Inc.  All rights reserved.
Apple, the Apple logo, Chicago, Macintosh, and Mac OS are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Adobe and Adobe Type Manager are trademarks of Adobe Systems, Incorporated or its subsidiaries and may be registered in certain jurisdictions.
ProFont Distribution is Copyright © 1996 by SQ Software.
ProFont fonts are Copyright © 1996 by Carl R. Osterwald.
CZ Bundle 8.5 Installer is Copyright © 1999 by KPPM - The Czech Macintosh User Group

Updated January 31, 1999
The installer for this product was created using Installer VISE from MindVision Software.
For more information on Installer VISE, contact:

MindVision Software
7201 North 7th Street
Lincoln, NE 68521-8913

Voice: (402) 477-3269
Fax: (402) 477-1395

Download Mac OS CZ Bundle 8.5 for Mac

(1.9 MiB / 1.99 MB)
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26 / 2018-01-03 / 4ae77d158c10056b4a63fe349ebbf0d337ad2dde / /
(1.9 MiB / 1.99 MB)
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7 / 2015-08-11 / 2023-06-28 / 4bdaacac1a74b2e543a22fb51d4792711d3054b9 / /


68K + PPC (FAT)

System Requirements

From Mac OS 7.1 up to Mac OS 8.5

Compatibility notes

Emulating this? It could probably run under: SheepShaver

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