Czech keyboard layout for OS 7-9

Shared by: korax
On: 2017-10-17 13:05:57
Updated by: Amid
On: 2023-06-09 17:13:15
Other contributors: that-ben
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What is Czech keyboard layout for OS 7-9?

This file adds a Czech keyboard layout so that it is possible to type in Czech normally (for example, the numbers above the QWERTY line type 2-ě, 3-š, 4-č, etc.)

The czech keyboard layout will be accessible in the right top corner of the screen and will have an icon of a small Czech lion.


Download Czech keyboard layout for OS 7-9 for Mac

(4.33 KiB / 4.43 KB)
Czech keyboard layout / compressed w/ Stuffit
67 / 2017-10-17 / 2017-10-17 / 63b9c693b65b0fd3d44085d5998a97a88854e772 / /


Motorola 68K

System Requirements

From Mac OS 7.0 up to Mac OS 9.2

Compatibility notes

Tested to work on System 7.0.1. Should also work on System 8 and 9.

To install: Extract the archive and drag and drop the keyboard layout file on the System Folder and accept when it asks if it should be put in the System file.  Then reboot.  If your keyboard menu is not visible at the top in the menubar, you can configure it in System Folder > Control Panels > Keyboard.


Emulating this? It could probably run under: Basilisk II

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