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Arboretum Realizer

Arboretum Realizer (1999)
(Modified on 2023-02-23 21:53:27)

Arboretum Realizer Improves MP3 Sound Quality MP3 files just don't sound as good as the original CD-quality recordings. Moreover, people are often listening on inexpensive, low-quality speakers. Arboretum decided to use studio magic -- DSP...

Argeïphontes Lyre 1.001

Argeïphontes Lyre 1.001 (1998)
(Added on 2018-08-26 00:15:48)

"A set of time domain audio filters and generators" Argeïphontes Lyre is a beatiful toolbox that hosts several ways of creating and transforming sound. There are non-real-time processes, real-time buffer modulations, concatenations...

Argeïphontes Recalcitrance

Argeïphontes Recalcitrance (1999)
(Modified on 2018-08-25 23:50:30)

Argeïphontes Recalcitrance is an odd utilty from musician/artist Akira Rabelais. Basically, if you turn it loose on a given folder hierarchy, it will re-name your files. And re-name them with eccentric obscure words. This can be a nice way to...

Argeïphontes Type

Argeïphontes Type (1998)
(Modified on 2023-05-11 15:48:14)

Argeïphontes Type is an aesthetically-attuned font viewer by Akira Rabelais for Mac OS 9. Argeïphontes Type is a font browsing utility for the Macintosh. It scans volumes, CDs, nested folders or folders for font files (ResTypes...

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