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ATI Xclaim TV USB Edition

ATI Xclaim TV USB Edition (2001)
(Modified on 2023-08-25 15:36:46)

The Xclaim TV USB Edition is a USB device that allows video input from S-Video/Composite and RCA Audio as well as RF. Originally intended to work as a TV tuner for portable Macs, the Xclaim TV also enables users to capture video footage and images...

Audio CD Labeller

Audio CD Labeller (1998)
(Added on 2020-03-07 09:06:20)

The Audio CD Labeller Extension allows you to use more meaningful names for your audio CDs.  The MacOS generically labels audio CDs with the names "Audio CD 1" to "Audion CD N" where the digit increases once for every CD you...

Aurora IgniterX Drivers

Aurora IgniterX Drivers (2005)
(Modified on 2023-05-21 15:08:48)

The Aurora IgniterX is a series of digital video capture cards with various options, like SDI/Digital Audio, and vaious breakout cables and boxes. It has a maximum capture rate of 13.3 MB/s (MJPEG-A) or 21 MB/s (uncompressed), and has hardware...


AutoShare (1995)
(Modified on 2024-11-26 10:17:10)

AutoShare is a MailShare utility that lets you create an auto-answering service. You may use it as a vacation service as well. AutoShare has also been extended to function as a listserver. Furthermore, an (outgoing)UUCP-MailShare gateway is...


AviFourCCChangerX (2002)
(Modified on 2018-08-19 09:53:30)

This program is for manipulating FourCC codes found in AVI files. This means if you have some problems watching a Divx;) movie maybe the wrong codec is used, try changing it with this program, AviFourCCChanger is freeware.

Azimuth 2

Azimuth 2 (1994)
(Modified on 2023-02-01 00:18:34)

Azimuth 2.5 continues to be the only program on the Macintosh that produces true, customizable maps of the world. Many so-called map programs are simply glorified clip art. Azimuth's "true" maps are dynamic in that they can be...

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