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Blake is a replacement web browser for Cyberdog. Designed to leverage the feature set and performance of Internet Explorer and bring it to the Cyberdog environment, Blake offers these improvements over the standard Cyberdog web browser: Speed....
Blanks (hard drive files) for Mini vMac
For use with Mini vMac or any emulator supporting raw HFS disk images. This is a variety of disk images with different sizes and types. Disk image sizes include... Apple II floppies: 128K to 896K MFS and HFS floppies: 400K, 800K,...
Blue Label Power Emulator 1.8
Boa Plus DVD Driver (Wired4DVD)
Boardmaker - v5.0a
Boardmaker v6.1.4 - for Mac OS X
Bochs 2.6.8
Bochs 991012
MacBochs is a port of Bochs, an x86 emulator. It is capable of running Windows, MS-DOS and compatibles, and numerous flavors of Linux and BSD. It comes pre-configured with a minimal install of FreeDOS.
Book of Changes
Boot Camp Public Beta 1.0.3 Beta
Boot Up Speaker
BootCD overview BootCD is a utility to make bootable OS X CD's with your choice of applications on them. App requirements PPC 32 Mac OS X 10.3.9 or later BSD Subsystem installed.* Previously available here
BootClock 1.0
BootClock is the simplest reboot utility available. It doesn’t interfere with Web servers; it doesn’t require scripting; and it takes next to no CPU cycles. What more could you ask for? BootClock supports unlimited reboot schedules and...
Boris Final Cut Pro Plugins
Boris FCP plugins & Boris Red 2.0 Boris Alpha Process Boris Bulge Boris Mosaic Boris Spray Paint Noise Boris Tritone
Broadband Optimizer
Broadband Optimizer v1.0 Like most operating systems, MacOS X doesn't come out of the box to take full advantage of a high-speed, broadband internet connection. Luckily, because of its Unix base, there's an easy fix for that. By making...
Broadband Tuner
Broadcast 2.1
Broadcast Messenger
Broadcast Messenger is a tiny chooser extension that enables users to broadcast messages across their AppleTalk network.
Build Select
Build Select makes compiling for various Mac OS X versions, SDKs, and archs easy. Instead of patching Makefiles, Xcode projects, and fighting with autotools, it just works. As a bonus, build select also allows you to optionally provide additional...
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