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B'sCrew FW
B'sCrew FW Version 1.0.0 to 1.0.6 or by upgrading from B'sCrew FW 2.0.0 upgrade to Upgrade to B'sCrew mini Version 2.1.0.
Baby Monitor
Backup Simplicity
Band-in-a-Box 8
BBEdit 4
BBEdit prepares text for transport across communications links (as in an email system), processing by another program (such as a compiler, HTML renderer, or database system), and to serve for light-duty text composition tasks. Text editors function...
BBEdit Extensions for MacPerl Release 3
BBEdit Extensions for MacPerl are a set of extensions that allow BBEdit to be used as an external editor for MacPerl. The extensions included are: Run MacPerl, Run MacPerl Front, Run File with MacPerl, and Edit MacPerl Script.
BBEdit HTML Tables
Tables are one of the most useful parts of current HTML (Hypertext Markup Language). They make it possible for designers to create documents on the web which have a much more robust structure than was possible with HTML prior to their introduction....
BBEdit Lite for OpenDoc
BBEdit Lite for OpenDoc is a freeware OpenDoc part which includes the basic text-editing capabilities of BBEdit, our popular and critically acclaimed text editor. When properly installed, you will be able to use this part within any OpenDoc...
BBEdit Textures Tool
BBEdit Textures Tool allows BBEdit to be used as an external editor for Textures, an implementation of the TeX typesetting language.
Beatware e-Picture
With e-Picture, you can: Use professional graphic tools to create original graphic objects Draw or fill any object with textures, patterns or gradients Apply filters and special effects to any object Edit any object at any time, even...
Belkin F5U541 Drivers
Bernie ][ The Rescue Anthology (Starter Kit 3.0)
Better Alarms
Better Bookmark HTTP in MSIE
BetterHTMLExport for iPhoto
Billionth Birthday
To date, Macintosh Repository served 3341964 old Mac files, totaling more than 675168GB!
Downloads last 24h = 1750 : 442559MB
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