This lists software missing screenshots. Please help and upload them!

Adam's Ultimate NoCD Patch Kit

Adam's Ultimate NoCD Patch Kit (0)
(Modified on 2023-04-14 15:25:20)

A super-script for creating all types of No-CD patches for Tiger+Classic. Handles: 1. Apps in OS X that will run off of img/iso/dmg images. 2. Classic Apps. 3. Special Screen Modes. 4. Dock Hiding. 5. On-Image App/Game Launch. 6....

Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 Extra Content

Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 Extra Content (2011)
(Modified on 2023-04-13 14:04:22)

This is the Extra Content (also called Functional Content) that Adobe bundles with some CS5.5 applications. It is technically optional and not required to run the main products, but will improve your experience if you can take the time to download...

After Dark - Hand-made Modules

After Dark - Hand-made Modules (2000)
(Modified on 2019-03-18 14:33:47)

Included After Dark modules are: Bow Tie Candyland Clouds Collager Electric Fire ICON Crash! Kansas? Mandelbrot Maze 1.1.1 Movies in the Dark Polygon Art 1.0 Saw Spinning Bow Tie TerrainMaker 1.0 The Finger...

AG ServerScan

AG ServerScan (1996)
(Modified on 2022-12-24 00:52:08)

ServerScan  is an unsupported, free utility from The AG Group that provides network managers and administrators with information on AppleShare file servers enterprisewide.   ServerScan helps network managers enforce network security...

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