This lists software missing screenshots. Please help and upload them!

anAtlas 1.5.2

anAtlas 1.5.2 (1998)
(Added on 2020-03-07 08:42:35)

anAtlas is a simple yet powerful tool for locating places on Earth.    Detailed results are listed and displayed on a map of the world.    anAtlas can search its local database of over 60,000 places, or more comprehensive...

Animation:Master 2.08a

Animation:Master 2.08a (1994)
(Modified on 2023-07-18 15:47:09)

Animation Master 2.0.5 — conceived as an in-house production tool by the creators of the California Raisins — specializes in character animation, and is priced reasonably enough to attract budding Disneys. Although it packs extraordinary...

APC Shutdown Manager 1.0.1

APC Shutdown Manager 1.0.1 (2001)
(Modified on 2019-07-09 09:40:17)

This program will detect when your computer runs on the battery of the Uninterrupted Power Supply and shutdown according to your settings specified. If you have a special cable (USB A to Ethernet) then you can connect an uninterruptable...

Aperture 3 v3.0.2 Install (DVD DL)

Aperture 3 v3.0.2 Install (DVD DL) (2010)
(Modified on 2020-07-28 12:13:43)

Apple's own created photo organization program. Besides being organization tool, it also has post production, photo printing tools. You can also add keywords, places, use brushes and built-in to enjoy your inner artist. Version 3.6 (this is...

AppAxe 1.0.1

AppAxe 1.0.1 (1996)
(Added on 2020-02-08 09:14:29)

AppAxe is a control panel that allows you to quit applications with a defined "hot" key. AppAxe currently supports the following ways of quitting: 1. Quit just the Finder  2. Quit everything but the Finder 3. Quit...

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