This lists software missing screenshots. Please help and upload them!
Analytica 1
anAtlas 1.5.2
anAtlas is a simple yet powerful tool for locating places on Earth. Detailed results are listed and displayed on a map of the world. anAtlas can search its local database of over 60,000 places, or more comprehensive...
Andy's 3D Modern Cursor
Animation:Master 2.08a
Animation Master 2.0.5 — conceived as an in-house production tool by the creators of the California Raisins — specializes in character animation, and is priced reasonably enough to attract budding Disneys. Although it packs extraordinary...
Antidote RX v8 - ( French )
Any Requests?
AOL Classic and AOL for Mac OS X, version 5.0
APC Shutdown Manager 1.0.1
This program will detect when your computer runs on the battery of the Uninterrupted Power Supply and shutdown according to your settings specified. If you have a special cable (USB A to Ethernet) then you can connect an uninterruptable...
Aperture 1.5.1 Academic (691-5950-A,0Z) (DVD)
Aperture 3 v3.0.2 Install (DVD DL)
Apple's own created photo organization program. Besides being organization tool, it also has post production, photo printing tools. You can also add keywords, places, use brushes and built-in to enjoy your inner artist. Version 3.6 (this is...
Aperture 3.4.5 Update
Latest Apple Aperture update to my knowledge.
Aperture v3.0 Upgrade from Aperture v1.0 or later (DVD DL)
Apple's own created photo organization program. Besides being organization tool, it also has post production, photo printing tools. You can also add keywords, places, use brushes and built-in to enjoy your inner artist. Version 3.6 (released in...
App Optimizer
AppAxe 1.0.1
AppAxe is a control panel that allows you to quit applications with a defined "hot" key. AppAxe currently supports the following ways of quitting: 1. Quit just the Finder 2. Quit everything but the Finder 3. Quit...
Apple 40SC Tape Backup
Apple A/UX Developer Tools 1.1 - ANSI C Compiler
Apple Adjustable Keyboard
Disk images are in dc42 and DART format. Works with emulators and Floppy Emu. From the VintageMicros collection.
Apple Authoring Support updates for Mac OS 9
Support for CD/DVD burning
Apple CD-ROM Software (5.3.2 + 5.4.2)
Apple CD/DVD Driver 1.48 - Edited For Universal SCSI Compatibility - *Beta Test*
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