Found 19 software entries
from category: Text + Illustrations
Parenting: Prenatal to Preschool
Scary Poems for Rotten Kids
[Images for Desktop Picture 832x624]
Ici vous trouverez quelques images pour illuminer votre fond d'écran de votre vieux Macintosh OS (System 7,8,9) L'archive contient des images au format PICT en 832x624 pixel Here you'll found some pics for your desktop...
The Family Doctor 2nd Edition
The Complete Works of William Shakespeare
Multimedia Birds of America
US History
The Family Doctor 3rd Edition
The Darwin CD-ROM
Multimedia Audubon's Mammals
The Complete Sherlock Holmes
This CD contains the complete text with indexes and table of contents of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, along with DiscPassage v1.21 to read the files on the disk. Don't be fooled by all the DOS files, just launch the...
History of the World
Multimedia World Fact Book
Monarch Notes
Great Literature
The Best of The Bureau
Countries of the World
Complete Macintosh Turbo Pascal 1989
Last Chance to See
To date, Macintosh Repository served 3125042 old Mac files, totaling more than 627972.2GB!
Downloads last 24h = 1228 : 194326.5MB
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