Found 13 software entries
from category: Novelties & Fun
Belch! is a little Extension that causes your Mac to have a case of indigestion: it lets out a nasty belch every once in a while. This Extension is fun to put on your friend's (or co-worker's) Macintosh... sit back and watch the...
MacOS Desktop Patterns/Pictures
Mac destop pictures/tiles from classic OS'S in PNG format for any modern OS See also: Additional Mac OS desktop patterns and pictures
Demoscene demos for Macintosh
Eric's ColorWheel Hack
A silly application that puts up the Color Wheel and does some strange things with it.
Welcome to psych an interactive stress buster! Please feel free to use this program whenever you feel a little stressed. There are over 500 possible combinations of moving colors and pictures to either sooth or derange your...
An algorithmic stand-alone music application, it plays lush music and cycles mystic pictures of Circe's island, Aeaea (Malta), where Odysseus' sailors were enchanted. Can be used as an artistic-mystic background while you chill out.
An Amiga style demo. Contains rapid flashing colors.
AL MORALE -- the Virtual Yes Man and Lackey
AL MORALE, the virtual yes man, simulates life at the top of the corporate ladder by providing the user with a cartoon assistant named Al Morale. It's Al's job to agree with everything you say, praise everything you do, announce...
Additional Desktop Patterns, Pictures and Themes as of Mac OS 9.2.2
Vanlandingham is the Macintosh's answer to the Amiga's "boing!" demo. When you launch the app, it will take 20 to 40 seconds for the animation to start, depending on your hardware, since the program draws at high resolution...
Apple Pippin Boot Sound
These 2 WAV files (Windows PCM and normal formats) are the Apple Pippin Boot Sound that you can use in older versions of Basilisk II or SheepShaver.
Psych Out
Psych is a nice demo with a chiptune playing in the background.
PowerBook 1400 BookCover Templates
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