Found 5 software entries
from category: Audio
breathing player/MAC
All it does is launch the screenshot above with 10 seconds of audio from "The Breathing Room" track from the album "Unlearn", then it stops and you quit the app. That's it. Probably some sort of music demo back in...
Apple Power Macintosh Radio Scripts and Ad Slicks Promo CD (7200, 7500, 8500, 9500)
MacUser's Creative Juices
Free High-Res Stock Images worth over £1300 Key software including: Photoshop 7 Dreamweaver MX Fireworks MX Free resources: Alamy high-res images Recommended fonts Sound effects Creative...
Alesis SR-16 Drum Machine Samples
This archive contains SR-16 DrumMachine samples: Alesis SR16 Bank 1 Alesis SR16 Bank 2 Alesis SR16 Bank 3 SR16 Ballad 1.txt SR16 Ballad 2.txt SR16 Ballad 3.txt SR16 Ballad 4.txt SR16 Ballad 5.txt SR16 Blues 1.txt SR16 Blues 2.txt SR16...
RubyTube is a VST plugin that works with Steinberg's Cubase. Maybe other programs also, I don't know. It's a subtle tube amp simulator and compressor to help the amateur studio engineer get that analogue sound.
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