Found 281 software entries in Misc from category: Mac Info & Literature

MACup Russian Edition

MACup Russian Edition (2001)
(Modified on 2024-12-09 01:39:34)

Журнал MACup Russian Edition - российская версия популярного европейского издания MACUP Magazin (издательство Redtec Publishing GmbH, Германия). Журнал посвящен...


Mac OS X. UNIX для ВСЕХ (2002)
(Modified on 2023-10-26 09:49:32)

Книга состоит из трех основных разделов. Первый раздел содержит информацию, предназначенную специально для начинающих...

AppleDesign [BOOK]

AppleDesign [BOOK] (1997)
(Modified on 2023-02-12 11:09:19)

To celebrate Apple's twentieth anniversary, AppleDesign provides a rare inside look at the Industrial Design Group, examining the role this small team of creative individuals has played in the rise of Apple from a Silicon Valley garage to a...

Vintage Snow Leopard Books

Vintage Snow Leopard Books (2009)
(Modified on 2023-02-07 07:24:02)

Apple Training Series: Mac OS X Support Essentials v10.6 Enterprise Mac Security: Mac OS X Snow Leopard Mac Basics, Snow Leopard Edition Mac OS X Snow Leopard (SuperPoche) Mac OS X Snow Leopard Digital Classroom Mac OS X Snow Leopard For...

Mac Game Programming

Mac Game Programming (2002)
(Modified on 2019-01-07 22:35:46)

Are you an avid Mac fan, itching to try your hand at game development on your Mac? If you have a working knowledge of programming, this book is the guide you've been searching for. Covering the components that make up a game and teaching you to...

Mac Intro (Replica)

Mac Intro (Replica) (2012)
(Modified on 2023-01-28 11:30:12)

This is a contribution from Mr. Slomacuser. They did this software in 2012, to remember the best presentation before Powerpoint. On January 24, 1984, PowerPoint had yet to be invented. Apple’s presentation tool and Steve Jobs’...

Macintosh Basics 7

Macintosh Basics 7 (1991)
(Modified on 2018-08-19 12:35:05)

MACINTOCH BASICS 7 Bonjour à tous, _Cette série de 7 disquettes d'installation de Macintosh Basics en version Française ne fonctionne apparement pas avec un processeur PowerPC à moins de posséder une...

Apple WWDC 2000 Conference Sessions

Apple WWDC 2000 Conference Sessions (2000)
(Modified on 2024-12-05 07:44:14)

Open Source at Apple - Session 101 Darwin Overview: The Open Source Foundation of Mac OS X - Session 102 I/O Kit Overview - Session 103 Mac OS X: File System - Session 104 Mac OS X: Graphics Overview - Session 105 Mac OS X: Kernel - Session...

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