Found 79 software entries in Games beginning with: "B" from category: Top Down


Bolo (1992)
(Modified on 2023-12-07 20:56:18)

Bolo is a classic multiplayer tank warfare game. You can play against computer and human players on a network. There are many map editors that let you make your own maps. Second download contains a large collection of maps and tools. Most of it...

Block Out

Block Out (1990)
(Modified on 2023-12-07 20:56:38)

3D Tetris similar to 3Tris except this is in B&W. Here is how to play it. Here is a online browser version.   See also: 3Tris  


BOOM (1997)
(Modified on 2024-11-17 14:39:07)

BOOM is a BomberMan type of game for Macintosh but features even more features than the latter and is slightly themed with Doom characters/ennemies.  BOOM features 80 genuine levels of action-filled fun, unique additions and catchy background...

Blockade v0.91

Blockade v0.91 (1991)
(Modified on 2018-02-24 13:51:41)

Blockade is a puzzle game a bit like Sokoban. You have to push block of one color into blocks with the same shape but of the other color. This will delete the block you pushed, and change the shape on the other block to one of a lower...

Bad Mojo

Bad Mojo (1996)
(Modified on 2025-01-02 08:52:31)

I remember working in the electronics department bored out of my mind at Kmart and digging thru the budget bin when I found this and I showed it to everyone; you are a cockroach....nuf said. It sounded hilarious your treacherous life as a cockroach...

Bad Mojo Redux

Bad Mojo Redux (2004)
(Modified on 2025-01-02 08:49:34)

Bad Mojo Redux is a re-issue of Bad Mojo, originally released in 1996, updated for newer computer systems. The core game has not been changed, but technical issues have been eliminated and the FMV sequences have been enhanced. This version...

BlockOut II

BlockOut II (2014)
(Modified on 2024-12-17 11:20:52)

BlockOut II is a free adaptation of the original BlockOut DOS game edited by California Dreams in 1989. BlockOut II has the same features than the original game with few graphic improvements. The game has been designed to reproduce...

Battle for the Solar System

Battle for the Solar System (2015)
(Modified on 2024-12-15 17:54:15)

The Pandoran War is a 2D mission-based space shooter based on the BATTLE FOR THE SOLAR SYSTEM space opera and set between books two and three: THE THIRD SIDE and THE ATTTRIBUTE OF THE STRONG. The game features many missions,...


Berusky (2020)
(Modified on 2024-12-15 08:16:56)

Berusky is a free logic game, published under GNU Public License and it's based on an ancient puzzle named Sokoban. An old idea of moving boxes in a maze has been expanded with new logic items such as explosives, stones, special gates and so on....


BlackBox (1986)
(Modified on 2024-11-17 10:59:21)

This game is a computer version of Parker Brothers' Black Box board game.  The object of the game is to find "balls" hidden on a square board by another player or by the Macintosh.  The balls are found by sending...

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