Found 45 software entries
beginning with: "F"
from category: Top Down
Food Chain
Frog Xing
Full Tilt! Pinball (Space Cadet, Skulduggery, Dragon's Keep)
Full Tilt! Pinball is Maxis' first pinball simulation game. This one includes 3 boards: Space Cadet, Skulduggery, and Dragon’s Keep. Each featuring the usual amount of bumpers, targets, ramps, etc as well as a big payoff for the successful...
Fluffy's Adventure
Frogger 30th Birthday CD-ROM (Taco Bell promo)
Flight Control HD
Flight Commander 2
Freedroid Classic
Final Stage
Face Ball
Your goal is to make all the rectangles in the grid the same, either the same pattern in black and white, or the same color on color machines. You change colors or patterns by clicking in the rectangle. Sound easy? Well, it's a...
This is a simple Football simulation with stats from the start of the 1995 NFL season. It is a minimal conversion of a program I wrote for the Color Computer 3, and compiled using FutureBasic. New FEATURES in this version: Team...
An arcade-style game in which you maneuver a frog across a highway teeming with speeding cars and trucks and then across a river filled with floating logs. Points are awarded when a frog reaches the safety of the opposite shore. You use the mouse to...
Frog Hop
Fly Swatter
Here's Fly Swatter 2.0 (version 1 never left my hard disk). Fly Swatter is a fairly primitive game that I originally wrote a few years ago. A couple of friends thought it might be worth releasing. So what the heck, I...
Flower Puzzle
Here is a puzzle. One of many
FlipSide is a 5x5 grid of balls that can be in either a covered, or uncovered state. Clicking a ball toggles its state, as well as the state of any ball immediate to above, below, left or right. Solve the puzzle by uncovering all the balls at...
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