Found 6 software entries
beginning with: "B"
from category: Trivia & Quiz
Beavis and Butt-Head in Wiener Takes All
Blockbuster Video Guide to Movies & Videos
Creative Multimedia claims that this disc con- tains reviews for more than 21,000 movies, bios for 10,000 stars, lectures about great film genres and a trivia quiz. What’s not to like? In our opinion, plenty. The reviews are poorly edited,...
Backpacker 2
The sequel to Backpacker. The game is still about travelling around the world, but it also offers some new features. For instance you can now travel not only by flight, but also by train or boat. There are two sorts of hotel in each city, one...
Brain Pizza (Demo)
"Brain Pizza: a wacky quiz game with something for everyone. Brain Pizza is the only mixed age/ability quiz game in the world. Play against your kids and groan as they thrash you! Can you save the Eggheads from a fate worse than...
Basket Case 2.0
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