Found 11 software entries in Games beginning with: "I" from category: Top Down

Infinity Quest II

Infinity Quest II (1996)
(Modified on 2023-10-17 20:31:59)

Infinity Quest II is a game more of skill than of reflexes. The goal is to reach each level's exit, far from an easy task. Traps, deadly monsters and other obstacles bar the way. Fortunately, various magic items have been scattered here and...


Influence (1987)
(Modified on 2024-09-11 11:25:45)

Elgaé the Enchanter!  Finally being put to the test! Elgaé has been captured by Regör The Ruthless and his forces of evil.  Along with his faithful apprentice Tarumod the swift, Elgaé has been placed in a...

Ishidō: The Way of Stones

Ishidō: The Way of Stones (1989)
(Modified on 2024-03-23 15:12:09)

Ishido is a first-class strategy game in the "a minute to learn, a lifetime to master” tradition. One object of the game is to empty the 50 tiles from your “pouch” onto the 100 squares of the playing hoard. Naturally,...

Imperialism II: Age of Exploration

Imperialism II: Age of Exploration (1999)
(Modified on 2023-05-13 12:32:46)

Remember the original Imperialism? Then you know how satisfying it feels to build an empire into a dominant global power. Now Strategic Simulations brings us Napoleonic types the spifiy Imperialism II, an even more clever way to play history and...

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