Found 2 software entries in Games beginning with: "B" from category: Real-time strategy (RTS)

Black & White Platinum Pack

Black & White Platinum Pack (2002)
(Modified on 2024-08-06 18:46:45)

Black & White Create Isle is a god type of game in which you incarnate god and raise a tribe. From Wikipedia: Black & White combines elements of artificial life and strategy. The player acts as a god whose goal is to defeat Nemesis,...

Bos Wars

Bos Wars (2013)
(Modified on 2024-12-21 13:12:39)

Bos Wars is a futuristic real time strategy game (RTS). In a RTS game, the player has to combat his enemies while developing his war economy. Everything runs in real-time, as opposed to turn-based games where the player always has to wait for his...

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