Found 957 software entries
from category: Top Down
Odyssey: The Legend of Nemesis
Power Pete (aka Mighty Mike)
Power Pete is a top-down scrolling shooter, with gameplay very similar to Zombies Ate My Neighbors. At the Toy Mart, the lights go out and bone-hurling cavemen, evil clowns, and crazed robots are among the bad toys who are out to attack...
Mantra is an action RPG similar to Zelda on the NES. See also: Mantra II
WingNuts: Temporal Navigator
In this topdown scrolling shooter, the devious Baron von Schtopwatch has assembled an airforce from across time. in order to fulfill his ruthless ambitions. You are the last line of defense against the fleet of the Baron, and using your jet and...
From CNET: "Psychologists say that the limbic system controls the basic instincts for survival: feeding, fighting, self-preservation, and reproduction. Now there's a game that taps directly into these primal instincts: Slithereens, the...
Warcraft II: Edition
WarCraft II: Battle Chest (commonly known as WarCraft II: Edition) contains both Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness, and Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal. It's been updated, with re-sampled sounds, and is playable...
Close Combat: A Bridge Too Far
Close Combat was a squad level based WW2 tactical game. It was very clearly based on Avalon Hills Squad Leader table top board game although it was never really acknowledged, despite doing a great job.
What's to figure out? Stuff comes down and you shoot it, try not to get hit or run in to something. the hardest part is to maintain control because your shooter tends to drift when you let go of the controls, so you are constantly correcting....
Spin Doctor
Spin Doctor is a game in which you have a bar that constantly spins around a dot and you can attach/detach from dot to dot to navigate through the puzzle and collect bonuses. Spin Doctor isn't merely an arcade game; it is part strategy...
SimAnt is an ant simulator. You can play scenarios where you lead black ants against red ants. Watch out for spiders and human beings also posing a serious risk to your ant colony. SimAnt also lets you play in a sandbox mode, no...
Greebles is an outstanding arcade title for PPC Macs which throws up to four players (8 if playing over a network) into a maze against legions of hostile critters. Flys, crabs, chess pieces and even Pac-Man are all out to get you, so push blocks...
Monopoly (MacPlay)
Weird Al's Great Adventure
"Weird Al's Great Adventure" is, appropriately enough, a parody of another video game- "Adventure" on the Atari 2600. (You were expecting maybe Quake?) The goal is to find the lost accordion and return it to Al's house....
Majesty: The Fantasy Kingdom Sim
Majesty is an excellent real time strategy game with a twist: you cannot control any character at all! You only get to control the buildings... where to build and what they produce. You may hire heroes in exchange for gold pieces. But...
3D Ultra Pinball: Creep Night
Total Annihilation
Food Chain
Bolo is a classic multiplayer tank warfare game. You can play against computer and human players on a network. There are many map editors that let you make your own maps. Second download contains a large collection of maps and tools. Most of it...
Ruckus pits the player against the 'evil drug barons' across 22 levels of strategic planning and quick reactions. Command vehicles around and call in for mercenaries, weapons and equipment with the aim of rescuing all the hostages, burning...

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